What is the outcome of the Alchemist?

What is the outcome of the Alchemist?

At the end santiago found his treasure at the same place,/spot where he had his dream but now he is a wise man, a real alchemist who knows how to turn metal into gold, how to turn himself into a wind.

What must Santiago do to prove himself to the alchemist?

The alchemist explains that the heart never stays silent, so Santiago must come to terms with it. In other words, Santiago must learn to separate himself from the desires of his heart. Only by paying attention to his heart and understanding its “dodges and tricks” can Santiago tame it and turn it into an ally.

What does Santiago learn at the end of the Alchemist?

Santiago also learns that love is a far more important and beautiful treasure than any monetary and materialistic treasure could be. It’s why the book ends with him seeking out Fatima.

Who says Remember that wherever your heart is there you will find your treasure?

Paulo Coelho

What is the fear of suffering?

The term comes from the Greek: ἄλγος, álgos, “pain” and φόβος, phóbos, “fear”. According to Sabino Metta, a behavioral psychologist, the phobic reaction is a learned behavior. A common example of this would be an elderly person who hears about all of their friends suffering from various ailments and pains.

What type of character Fatima is?

Fatima A beautiful Arab girl who lives at the oasis. Santiago discovers Fatima filling her water jug at one of the oasis’s wells, and he falls in love with her. She supports his quest, even though it will take him away from her. Fatima represents true love, selfless and unconditional.

What is the language of the universe?


What is the meaning of Maktub?

Maktub is an Arabic word that stands for, it is written. I first discovered this word when I read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. To say that the moment I read this book was timely is an understatement.

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