What if furnace pilot light goes out?

What if furnace pilot light goes out?

If your pilot light repeatedly goes out, this is a likely culprit. If this flame sensor should fail, gas will continue to flow even after the pilot light has been extinguished, causing a safety hazard, and requiring immediate repair.

How do I change the pilot light on my furnace?

Once the gas has had time to dissipate, turn the knob to “Pilot.” Then, hold down the “Reset” button and bring the flame of a long lighter close to the pilot light opening. This should light the furnace pilot light. Once you are sure the pilot light is on, release your pressure on the reset button.

Why does furnace pilot go out?

Thermocouple Malfunction It is positioned very close to the flame, and when lit, the pilot light tells the thermocouple to keep the gas line open. A thermocouple that is dirty or malfunctioning will often shut off your gas supply in error, causing the pilot light to go out and your furnace to stop working.

Does a furnace pilot light always stay on?

If your furnace has a round knob on the gas valve with the words OFF/ON/PILOT, you have what’s known as a standing pilot ignition. Since the pilot light needs to remain active, your furnace is always consuming some gas. It’s not a lot—usually just a few therms of gas a month—but that obviously adds up over time.

How much does it cost to replace a thermocouple in a gas fireplace?

Is it expensive to replace a thermocouple? Thermocouple Replacement – $20-$150 Calling a professional plumber to install a new thermocouple should only be up to $150. If you do the work yourself, you will only pay the price of the part which is about $20.

Why does gas fireplace go on and off?

Bad Thermo Couple or Thermo Pile A thermo couple is a sensor device that detects heat and permits the pilot light to stay lit. One of these devices could have gone bad or may have shorted out, causing your fireplace to turn shut down or turn back on at random.

Why does the pilot light on my gas fireplace keep going out?

If the pilot light on your gas fireplace won’t stay lit, a very likely culprit is a component called a thermocouple. A thermocouple is a safety device and is a component of the ignition system. The thermocouple is a metal rod that sticks out right in front of the pilot itself. It senses if flame is present or not.

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