How does betting work at the Kentucky Derby?
You bet an exacta by selecting a minimum two horses to finish first and second. These horses must finish first and second, in that order, for you to win the wager. A boxed wager will win if your horses finish 1st and 2nd, in any order, making it more likely for you to win.
How are Kentucky Derby winnings calculated?
With odds that don’t end in one, divide the first number by the second number, then multiply the result by the amount of your bet. Assuming you placed a $2 wager on a 7-5 horse, you’d win $4.80: 1.4 times two, plus your $2 bet.
How are horse bets calculated?
Multiply your total times two if the Pick Six is a $2 wager. For example, two horses in each race would be 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 64 possible combinations = $64 if a $1 Pick Six = $128 if a $2 Pick Six. Note – most tracks have a $2 base wager amount on the Pick Six.
What does a 5’2 odds mean?
The tote board does not show decimals, therefore, 5/2 odds means that the odds on a horse are 5 divided by 2, or 2.5-1. Win payoffs are calculated based on a $2.00 wager because at most tracks this is the minimum bet. Example #1: A horse that wins at 5-1 will return $5.00 for every $1.00 wagered.
What does it cost to attend the Kentucky Derby?
How to buy infield tickets for the 2021 Kentucky Derby. Derby Day infield-only general admission tickets, which will not have access to the front side of Churchill Downs, are $75 if purchased prior to April 18; $80 if purchased between April 19-30; and $85 if purchased on Kentucky Derby Day.
Are they allowing fans at the Kentucky Derby?
Churchill Downs officials announced at the end of 2020 that this year’s Derby would return to its traditional May weekend and include fans. Beshear said he believes COVID-19 rules will be enforced at this year’s Derby. The racetrack is requiring people to wear masks when they’re not eating or drinking.
How much does it cost to enter a horse in the Kentucky Derby?
The Kentucky Derby has an entry fee and a starting fee, they are $25,000 each per The Downey Profile. To be eligible for the Kentucky Derby, horses have to be nominated. Early nomination fees are $600, and late nomination fees are $6,000.
How much does a jockey make in the Kentucky Derby?
Learn More: The Biggest Sports Contracts Ever A winning jockey will take 10% of the horse’s purse at the Kentucky Derby, so $186,000 for this year’s Derby winner, John Velazquez (although this could change depending on the current investigation).