What does a garnet birthstone mean?

What does a garnet birthstone mean?

The January birthstone, garnet, is thought to keep the wearer safe during travel. The word “garnet” is derived from a term that means “seed,” because the gem resembles the color and shape of a pomegranate seed.

What is January 7th birthstone?


What are the 2 birthstones for July?

Birthstone Chart with Modern and Traditional Stones

June Alexandrite Pearl
July Ruby Ruby
August Peridot or Spinel Sardonyx
September Sapphire Sapphire

Do rubies chip easily?

With ruby being a tough gemstone, there is a minimal chance that it chips. However, it could have various types of inclusions, each with a different structure and appearance. These inherent flaws can affect the gem’s overall durability, and also bring down its value if they’re visible to the naked eye.

Are rubies heavier than diamonds?

Rubies are measured in carats, however, they are heavier than diamonds. So, a one-carat ruby will measure smaller than a one-carat diamond.

How do you know if a ruby suits you?

Real rubies glow with a deep, vivid, almost “stoplight” red. Fake gems are often dull: they are “light, but not bright.” If the gem is more of a dark red, then it may be garnet instead of a ruby. If it is a real ruby, however, know that darker stones are usually worth more than lighter stones.

How do you tell the difference between a ruby and a garnet?

The Big Difference

  • Examine the gemstone’s color. Red garnets can have hints of orange or pink while rubies are vivid red with occasional purple or blue secondary hues.
  • See the rainbow.
  • Pull out the Mohs scale of hardness.
  • Make an appointment with Indy Facets.

Is a garnet valuable?

Prices range from $500 a carat for good colors with some inclusions, to $2,000 to $7,000 for clean larger stones with top color. Demantoid garnet is the rarest and most valuable of the garnets and is one of the rarest of all colored gemstones.

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