Do geese have bad eyesight?
Geese have peripheral vision and their eyesight is incredible. No one knows how far geese can see because we cannot communicate with birds. However, they might be able to see 20 times better than a goose hunter and they have the advantage because they are usually flying 450 feet up in the air.
Will 4 shot kill geese?
A 1 1/4 oz load of 4’s starting at 1450 fps or higher and keeping an even pattern will kill geese cleanly and ethically inside 30 yards.
Can you kill geese with 2 shot?
I have found out that the #2 is about the best all around load for me. If your gun patterns it well it will kill geese to 40 yards easy. I shoot a 675 terror tube and the 2’s are deadly on geese. All these were with 2′.
Will 3 shot kill geese?
3’s will kill a goose easily if they are shot in the head and neck. A canada goose’s breast bone is extremly thick. I remeber one hunt where the birds were working in good and I was shooting them at under 20 yrds.
Is T shot good for geese?
From early season to late season snow hunts, T shot has put the hurt on geese. We do not shoot many cripples but have experienced a few heart shots that dropped birds out 200 yards or so. T shot penetrates the fatty late season geese wherever you hit it. If you use BB you better be hoping for a head shot.
What’s the best shot size for geese?
Small Ducks | 15-40 yds | 4, 5, 6 |
Large Ducks | 10-40 yds | BB,1, 2, 3 |
Geese | 10-45 yds | T, BBB, BB |
Is 4 shot good for snow geese?
Snow geese aren’t the toughest of birds, so cleanly harvesting them doesn’t require large shot sizes. I’ve even used #4 shot on snow geese that were decoying close and it worked perfectly fine.
Are 3 inch shells good for geese?
Many hunters swear by 3 ½ inch shells for shooting geese but either can be effective. 3 ½ inch shells are usually about $5 per box more than 3 inch so if you are price conscious or if your gun only fits 3 inch shells they will work just fine.
Do you need 3 1/2 inch shells for geese?
If you do everything right and they are feet down into your decoys, you do not need 3 1/2 inch shells. Loryn’s Dad said: I have always used just 3 inch shells for geese, but am thinking about moving up to 3 1/2.
What choke should I use for geese?
For ducks and geese that are close, improved cylinder or even skeet constriction choke work well. If the birds are farther out, a modified choke tube is better.
Is 2 shot good for snow geese?
2 shot works well for decoying geese, and BBs or 1s do the job on days birds won’t finish. Electronic callers and improved decoy spreads make it much more common to shoot snows at close range than back in the days of rag spreads when 50- and 60-yard shots were the norm.
What shot size for snow geese?
Hunters should always use large shot for snow geese, with BB the smallest acceptable size and BBB, T and F very acceptable sizes. And steel shot is more than adequate to take down a snow goose at 68 yards in the sky.