How do you get a Woodruff key out?
Remove the Woodruff key.
- Try tapping down on one end of the key with a hammer and nail.
- Rapidly heating the key with a blowtorch and letting it cool can help loosen it.
- Remember that these keys are cheap and readily available online or at hardware and auto part stores, so causing damage to it may be necessary.
What is the purpose of the flywheel Woodruff key?
Woodruff Keys are used for locking gears and pulleys to shafts. On the shaft, they fit into a keyseat, which is a circular pocket that retains the key. An exposed portion of the key fits into a rectangular groove, often called the keyway, in the gear or pulley.
What is a Woodruff?
noun. any of several plants belonging to the genus Asperula or Galium, of the madder family, as G. odoratum(sweet woodruff ), a fragrant plant with small white flowers.
Why do they call it a Woodruff key?
ETYMOLOGY OF THE WORD WOODRUFF KEY Named after the Woodruff Manufacturing Co, in Hartford, Connecticut, who first manufactured it in 1892.
Why keys are used in shafts?
A key is a piece of metal used to connect a rotating machine element to the shaft. A key prevents a relative rotation between the two parts, and may enable torque transmission to occur. For a key to function properly, both the shaft and rotating elements (gear, pulley and coupling) must have a keyway and a keyseat.
How do I know what size my keyway is?
The hub keyway is dimensioned by its width and depth on the shaft – keyway sides. Referencing Figure 1, the keyway dimension is W x T1.
How do you determine keyway?
Look at the large end of the key (also called the bow). If the bow has straight sides and a triangle-shaped top (like a house), you probably have a KW1 keyway. If the key is diamond-shaped (narrower at the top and bottom and wide in the middle), you probably have a SC1 keyway.
What are SC1 keys used for?
The HY-KO Products SC1 Blank Schlage Lock Key is a nickel-plated brass, precision-milled replacement key. The key is used for Schlage residential and commercial locks and padlocks and substitutes for the original Schlage A and C keys.
What is the difference between SC1 and SC4?
SC1 is five pin, SC4 is six pin, and as you already noticed, both are the C keyway. If someone advertised a six pin lock as SC1 they didn’t understand the difference.
What is a KW1 lock?
From WiKi: “The Classic is a pin-tumbler lock made by Kwikset. It is one of the most common cylinders used in residential door locks in the United States. The KW1 keyway used by the Classic is extremely popular in North America, with many other companies providing interoperable locks and keys.
What does KWI mean on a key?
KWI Meaning
5 | KWI | Kuwait International Airport Airport Code, Airport, IATA Code |
1 | KWI | Kentucky Welding Institute Development, Institutes, Study |
1 | KWI | key word index Science |
1 | KWI | Klamath Watershed Institute |
1 | KWI | Komite Wartawan Indonesia |
What is a keyway on a lock?
“Keyway” is the term for the shape of the interface between a lock and its key. This is regardless of the shape of the key’s teeth – those bumps and ridges that resemble a mountain range if viewed from the side. The keyway is what prevents you from even beginning to push the wrong key into the wrong slot.
What is a Paracentric keyway?
A paracentric keyway is a security feature in which one or more of the side wards protrudes past the vertical centerline of the keyway. The purpose of a paracentric keyway is to make it more difficult to maneuver a lock pick and reach pins. Let’s start by dividing a Schlage C keyway in half vertically.
What does a keyway mean?
1 : a groove or channel for a key. 2 : the aperture for the key in a lock having a flat metal key.