What did Geoffrey Chaucer work as?

What did Geoffrey Chaucer work as?

Geoffrey Chaucer had many jobs in his life, including that of a noblewoman’s page, an esquire in the royal court, comptroller of the customs for the Port of London, and clerk of the King’s works. He also spent time in the Army.

Was Chaucer a civil servant?

During the decade of the 1370s, Chaucer was at various times on diplomatic missions in Flanders, France, and Italy. Several times during the 1370s, Chaucer and his wife received generous monetary grants from the king and from John of Gaunt. …

Who is the father of English literature?

Geoffrey Chaucer

Which period of English literature is known as the Age of Chaucer?

The period between 1343 and 1450 is known as the Age of Chaucer. It marked the first significant literary age in English literature. It heralded a new era of learning.

How do you talk like a knight?

Knights. If the person that you’re speaking with is a knight, be sure to address them as such by calling them Sir [FIRST NAME] or Master [LAST NAME]. For example, a knight named Charles Wellington would be addressed as Sir Charles or Master Wellington.

How do you talk like a noble?

To sound royal, you must enunciate clearly, and speak with confidence, loud enough to be easily heard but no louder. Speak slow enough that you don’t slur your words or lose enunciation. You can practice your enunciation by trying to perfect tongue twisters such as “Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

What’s it like being royalty?

Working for the royal family means your private life is turned upside down. Staff members are expected to be loyal and completely dedicated, which often requires giving up a certain amount of your own personal freedom. Plus, there’s a pressure that comes with doing a job so many people want.

How do you talk like a queen?

How to speak like the Queen in a few simple steps

  1. Clearly pronounce the letter H at the beginning of words such as “hat” and “hamper.”
  2. Don’t pronounce the R in a word unless it proceeds a vowel.
  3. Make your vowels longer.
  4. Emphasize the letter T.

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