What are the stupidest questions?

What are the stupidest questions?

Dumbest questions ever asked

  • If animals could talk, which species would be the rudest of them all?
  • Would you rather own a horse the size of a cat or a cat the size of a horse?
  • Are there birds in Canada?
  • Should I tell my parents I’m adopted?
  • What happens if you paint your teeth white with nail polish?

What are some fun questions to ask a friend?

Here are 40 fun questions to ask your friends:

  • What would be the theme song of your life?
  • What has been your favorite memory this year?
  • What is the craziest/most daring thing you’ve ever done?
  • What talents do you possess that not a lot of people know?
  • Which TV sitcom would you star in?

Are there any dumb questions?

According to Carl Sagan, in his 1997 book, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark, there are naive questions, tedious questions, ill-phrased questions, questions put after inadequate self-criticism. But every question is a cry to understand the world.

What is a silly question?

ask a silly/stupid question (and you’ll get a silly/stupid answer) A response to an unsatisfying answer or to one that is a put-down. Eric Partridge believed this nineteenth-century retort evolved from the proverb ask me no questions, I’ll tell you no lies, but the two clichés are not identical.

Can I ask a dumb question better than anyone I know?

Rose Nylund : Can I ask a dumb question? Dorothy Petrillo-Zbornak : Better than anybody I know. Michael Zbornak : Yeah, that’s right.

Do I know my best friend Questions?

Best Friend Feelings

  • What about me always makes you smile?
  • Why have you chosen me as your best friend?
  • How would you react if I died tomorrow?
  • Who is it that I love the most?
  • Am I easy or hard to love?
  • Would I take in a homeless person if asked?
  • Do you think I have told you all of my deepest secrets?

What’s a juicy question?

no one in your group knows the answer to. A juicy question is one that no one in your group knows the answer to. …

What is a embarrassing question?

What hairstyle have you always wanted, but never been willing to try? What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve said or done in front of someone you like? What part of your body do you love, and which part do you hate? Who is your celebrity crush? If you could change one thing about your body, what would it be?

What are the 100 dare questions?

Here is a list of the best truth questions for Truth or Dare.

  • When was the last time you peed in bed?
  • What is the biggest lie you have ever told?
  • Tell us your most embarrassing vomit story.
  • Have you ever made out with someone here?
  • Have you ever cheated or been cheated on?
  • What are your top three turn-ons?

What is the most awkward question to ask a girl?

The Past, Present, and Future

  • Have you ever been in love with anyone?
  • Have you ever lived with someone before?
  • How long did your longest relationship last?
  • Why did your last relationship end?
  • What matters to you most in a relationship?
  • Do you see us together in five years?
  • What are your goals for dating?
  • Do you love me?

What are dirty dare questions?

Dirty Truth or Dare Questions

  • Have you ever made love in an unusual place?
  • How often do you do yourself?
  • What is your most favorite s#x position?
  • Do you have a crazy one-night stand story?
  • What are your memories of the best s#x ever in your life?

What are good dirty dares for guys texting?

Dirty Things to Dare a Guy Over Text

  • Tell him to send you a video of him describing out loud what he would do to you if he were with you.
  • Ask him to show you his sexiest dance.
  • You know how you can eat foods like a banana sensually?
  • Request that he sings you a dirty song.
  • Shower pictures?

What is the dare for crush?

What are some good dares for your crush?

  • Wear “Kiss me…
  • Do 20 pushups and shout my name with each one.
  • Squeeze lemon juice on your elbow and lick it.
  • Stop the next person you see on the road and tell “I Love You” to him or her.
  • Sing out loud your favorite love song.
  • Find some lipstick and put it on.
  • Shave your chest.

What are good girl dare questions?

Best dare questions

  • Show the most embarrassing photo on your phone.
  • Show the last five people you texted and what the messages said.
  • Let the rest of the group DM someone from your Instagram account.
  • Eat a raw piece of garlic.
  • Do 100 squats.
  • Keep three ice cubes in your mouth until they melt.

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