What is the noble gas configuration of germanium?

What is the noble gas configuration of germanium?

[Ar] 3d¹⁰ 4s² 4p²

What is the core electron of germanium?

Germanium is the third element of the fourteenth column of the periodic table. It is classified as a metalloid. Germanium atoms have 32 electrons and 32 protons with 4 valence electrons in the outer shell.

What is the core notation electron configuration for a germanium atom?

The electron configuration of Germanium is [Ar]4s2, 3d10, 4p2.

What are 3 example of materials products that use germanium?

The largest use of germanium is in the semiconductor industry. When doped with small amounts of arsenic, gallium, indium, antimony or phosphorus, germanium is used to make transistors for use in electronic devices. Germanium is also used to create alloys and as a phosphor in fluorescent lamps.

What everyday items contain germanium?

Germanium is used in the manufacture of wide-angle camera lenses. The element gives special properties to the glass. Because germanium has traits that are similar to silicon and tin, the semiconductor industry uses germanium on a regular basis.

What level of arsenic is dangerous in soil?

In 2001, the EPA lowered the maximum contaminant level of arsenic allowed in public drinking water supplies from 50 parts per billion (ppb) to 10 ppb. For soils, federal EPA guidelines for standards of concern begin at 390 ppb, or 0.39 parts per million (ppm).

How does arsenic end up contaminating our soil?

Plants on land can accumulate arsenic compounds via uptake from soil and/or deposition from air onto leaves. More… 3.3 Humans are exposed mainly through food and water. Food is usually the largest source except in areas where drinking water is naturally contaminated with arsenic.

Does the human body need arsenic?

In fact, if arsenic is essential for humans, its recommended daily intake would be little different from selenium, which is so important that evolution incorporated it into the rare amino acid selenocysteine—the crucial component of the antioxidizing selenoproteins that help to repair other proteins from oxidative …

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