What is the value of germanium?

What is the value of germanium?

Mendeleev came up with an atomic weight of 72, compared to an actual value of 72.6 from its four stable isotopes 70, 72 73 and 74.

What is the cheapest element on the periodic table?

Chlorine, sulfur and carbon (as coal) are cheapest by mass. Hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and chlorine are cheapest by volume at atmospheric pressure. When there is no public data on the element in its pure form, price of a compound is used, per mass of element contained.

What is the cost of gadolinium per 100 grams?

gadolinium: price conversions and cost

Price per units of weight
1.96 100 grams
4.89 250 grams
7.82 400 grams
9.78 500 grams

How much does each element cost?

Chemical elements by market price

Z Symbol Reference price
4 Be 5,750.00 CNY per kilogram
5 B 16,500.00 CNY per kilogram
6 C 2.40 USD per 100 grams
7 N 0.09 USD per standard cubic foot (scf)

Why is the rhino horn so valuable?

Aside from being used as medicine, rhino horn is considered a status symbol. Consumers said that they shared it within social and professional networks to demonstrate their wealth and strengthen business relationships. Gifting whole rhino horns was also used as a way to get favours from those in power.

How much is a rhino horn worth per kg?

Based on the value of the Asian black market, rhino horn price is estimated at $ 65,000 USD per kg.

How much is a pound of ivory worth?

Poachers are now slaughtering up to 35,000 of the estimated 500,000 African elephants every year for their tusks. A single male elephant’s two tusks can weigh more than 250 pounds, with a pound of ivory fetching as much as $1,500 on the black market.

How much would a rhino cost?

These days everyone seems to be putting a price on a rhino. In South Africa, which has 25,000 remaining black and white rhinos, the “sale value of a single living rhino” is about 350,000 Rand, or a bit more than $29,000. This number comes from the Endangered Wildlife Trust, a South African environmental organization.

Is rhino horn valuable?

Rhino horns, which when ground to a powder are believed by some Vietnamese to have medicinal qualities to cure everything from cancer to a hangover, are particularly lucrative and can fetch up to $60,000 (£48,000) per kilo.

Is it illegal to own a rhino horn?

Currently, only 5 states—California, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York and Washington—have banned the purchase, sale, trade and possession with the intention to sell of ivory and rhino horns.

How much does a single rhino horn cost?

Its harvest and sale has grown into a global crisis compounded by corruption; products from the underground trade often being funneled from Africa into illegal markets in China and Vietnam. In 2014, the value of rhino horn was estimated at $60,000 per kilogram, meaning that a single horn can be valued up to $240,000.

How much does a rhino horn sell for on the black market?

Rhino horns are highly prized, estimated to fetch up to $60,000 per kilo on the black market – more than the price of gold or cocaine. Rhino horn is composed mainly of keratin, the same component as in human nails.

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