What are the stages of Giardia lamblia?

What are the stages of Giardia lamblia?

Giardia has one of the simplest life cycles of all human parasites. The life cycle is composed of 2 stages: (1) the trophozoite (see the first image below), which exists freely in the human small intestine; and (2) the cyst, which is passed into the environment. No intermediate hosts are required.

What is the feeding stage of Giardia lamblia?

Life Cycle When Giardia cysts are swallowed, they pass through the mouth, esophagus, and stomach into the small intestine where each cyst releases two trophozoites through a process called excystation. The Giardia trophozoites then feed off and absorb nutrients from the infected person.

What is the diagnostic stage of Giardia lamblia?

Laboratory Diagnosis Giardiasis is diagnosed by the identification of cysts or trophozoites in the feces, using direct mounts as well as concentration procedures. Cysts are typically seen in wet mount preparations, while trophozoites are seen in permanent mounts (i.e. trichrome).

How long does it take for Giardia to set in?

How long after infection do symptoms appear? Symptoms of giardiasis normally begin 1 to 2 weeks after becoming infected.

How do I disinfect my house from giardia?

How do I disinfect my house? -Always clean surfaces with soap or other disinfectant until visible contamination is gone. -Use a bleach solution of ¾ cup bleach to 1 gal of water. Allow solution to stay in contact with the surface for AT LEAST 1-3 minutes before rinsing with clean water.

Does Panacur get rid of giardia?

The most common drug used to kill Giardia is called fenbendazole (“Panacur”). It is normally given daily for 6 days. Another medication, metronidazole, is potentially useful. Sometimes in refractory cases metronidazole is used in conjunction with fenbendazole.

How do I disinfect my yard from giardia?

The most readily available disinfectant is bleach diluted 1:32 in water. Studies have shown this dilution to require less than one minute of contact time to effectively kill giardia cysts. As for areas with lawn or plants, decontamination may not be possible without the risk of killing the foliage.

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