What is a better word for gift?

What is a better word for gift?

1 donation, contribution, offering, benefaction, endowment, bounty, boon, largess, alms, gratuity, tip, premium, allowance, subsidy, bequest, legacy, inheritance, dowry.

Is present another word for gift?

In this page you can discover 106 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for gift, like: present, largesse, grant, souvenir, keepsake, courtesy, philanthropy, bestowal, award, dower and charity.

How do you say beautiful gift?

Synonyms for Beautiful gift

  1. beautiful present. n.
  2. lovely gift. n.
  3. great gift. n.
  4. artistic gift. n.
  5. beautiful genius. n.
  6. lovely talent. n.
  7. stunning gift. n.
  8. amazing gift.

How would you describe a nice gift?

Here are some adjectives for gifts: precious congruent, well-intentioned, innocent, uncanny, precocious, precious and magical, essentially lyrical and meditative, normal heraldic, valid and effective, fluent natural, dainty and appropriate, fabulous, unlimited, untrained, unused, suitable vulpine, godlike, generous.

What can I say instead of wonderful?

Synonyms of ‘wonderful’

  • excellent, brilliant, fabulous (informal), fantastic (informal), great (informal), magnificent, marvelous, outstanding, superb, terrific (informal), tremendous.
  • remarkable, amazing, astonishing, extraordinary, incredible, miraculous, phenomenal, staggering, startling, unheard-of.

How do you say wonderful in many ways?

synonyms for wonderful

  1. awesome.
  2. enjoyable.
  3. fabulous.
  4. fantastic.
  5. magnificent.
  6. marvelous.
  7. outstanding.
  8. remarkable.

What’s a big word for great?

OTHER WORDS FOR great 1 immense, enormous, gigantic, huge, vast, grand. 6 noteworthy. 7 weighty, serious, momentous, vital, critical. 8 famed, eminent, noted, notable, prominent, renowned.

What words describe a girl?

  • accepting.
  • active.
  • adorable.
  • adventurous.
  • affectionate.
  • agreeable.
  • all-American.
  • alluring.

What to say after you tell a girl she’s beautiful?

it’s different if you compliment in person than you can say “you welcome “ or just smile . ‘it’s my pleasure, beautiful’ would be short , sweet and not so serious….

  • “You’re welcome!”
  • “No worries.” (appropriate if neither of you is Australian, or if you are Australian and she is not, otherwise AVOID.
  • “No problem.”

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