Do the troubletones win Sectionals?
The Troubletones were ranked second place during Sectionals. Quinn Fabray convinces Brittany, Santana and Mercedes to rejoin New Directions again. In On My Way, Will Schuester follows through with his offer of letting The Troubletones perform at regionals.
Who are the treble tones in glee?
The Troubletones is a glee club based at William McKinley High School. The club was started when Al Motta privately donated enough money to Principal Figgins to allow for the continuation of an additional show choir which heavily featured his daughter, Sugar.
Who wins Sectionals in season three of Glee?
New Directions
Did New Directions win Nationals?
In We Built This Glee Club, the New Directions win the 2014 Western Ohio Sectional Championship against Vocal Adrenaline and The Falconers. In Dreams Come True, it is revealed that New Directions also won the 2015 Nationals (and prior to that, the 2015 Regionals).
Is Jake the dog still alive?
Let’s get one thing out of the way: In the latest HBO Max Adventure Time special, series stars Jake the dog and Finn the human are dead. This isn’t a huge plot twist. Jake died earlier, since he’s a dog, with a limited life span.
How did Jake and Lady Rainicorn meet?
Jake. Lady Rainicorn with Jake On the official website in Lady’s description, it says Jake is her boyfriend and that they get along so well because of their common interest in the viola. This relationship began in the short when he and Lady Rainicorn were flirting and sharing interests.
Did Jake ever marry Lady Rainicorn?
In “Paper Pete,” Jake said that one day he wants to have children with Lady Rainicorn, and at the end of “Lady & Peebles,” she tells Jake in English: “I am pregnant!” However, even though they had kids, they showed no thought into getting married and are still technically boyfriend and girlfriend.
Who is Jake’s girlfriend?
Tana Mongeau Mongeau has more than 800 million followers who like to watch her comedy content on YouTube. Jake and Tana got together in April 2019 and had a whirlwind Las Vegas wedding in July 2019, which was live-streamed, before announcing they were going on a break.