What is a Glenfield 30 30 worth?

What is a Glenfield 30 30 worth?

GLENFIELD 30A rifle PRICE AND HISTORICAL VALUE A GLENFIELD 30A rifle is currently worth an average price of $689.73 used .

Can a 30-30 Kill a elk?

Plenty of elk killed with 30-30 every year. Lots of my family have killed elk with 30-30 and 300 savage at farther ranges than your talking about. Hit them right and elk will die with whatever you are shooting.

How good is a 30-30?

30-30 also tend to be lighter than many other deer rifles, making them easier to carry and shoulder than their typically longer-range counterparts. They also are on the lower end of recoil for deer rifles, making them a good choice for beginners.

Is the 30-30 Dead?

30-30 should have slipped out of focus and faded in obscurity just after World War II.” No one can deny the fact that the . 30-30 has killed more deer in West Virginia than any other cartridge. At the same time, the critics will say, “Yes, and crippled more than any other, too.”

What is the best grain bullet for a 30-30?

Remington 150-grain Core Lokt Possibly the most iconic of all the . 30/30 Winchester loads, the Remington Core-Lokt is a simple but exceptionally well-designed cup-and-core bullet.

What range should I sight in my 30-30?

200 yards

What can you kill with a 30-30?

30-30 is there when it comes to effectively killing whitetail deer, feral hogs and black bear; if you like the mountains, you’ll appreciate the lightweight lever gun at the end of the day.

How good is a 30/30 for deer hunting?

While a modern . 30-30 rifle shoots a 150-grain bullet flat and accurate enough out to 150 yards, and imparts plenty of foot-pounds of energy to hammer a buck on the spot, it does so with negligible recoil. A Winchester 94 or Marlin 336 is short, lightweight, easy to carry, and fast-handling.

Is 30-30 The same as 30wcf?

Geno Member. The 30 WCF and 30-30 Win are the same; they simply changed the name.

How much does a 30-30 round cost?

30-30 Ammo For Sale

Quantity in Stock Price
60 $32.95 Each 25+ @ $31.95 Each (price per round $1.65)
123 $35.95 Each 10+ @ $34.95 Each (price per round $1.80)
8 $349.50 Each (price per round $1.75)
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