What is my Ping Anser putter worth?
PING says the putter is still an original, which, depending on condition, means Gore’s putter could worth somewhere in the neighborhood of $1,500-plus on the open market.
When was the Ping Anser 2 putter made?
What should you look for in a putter?
5 Things to Consider when Buying a Putter
- Alignment. The alignment of the putter is one of the most common problems of golfers.
- Putter Head: Mallet or Blade. Choosing a putter head will depend on the type of green you are playing at.
- Length of Putter.
- Putter Face.
- Shafts and Hosels.
How do I know what type of putter to use?
You want to balance the shaft of the putter horizontally across your open palm, allowing the head to rotate to its natural resting position. If the face points directly to the sky, you have a face-balanced putter. If the toe of the putter hangs down or to the side, you have a toe-hang putter.
Is it worth getting fitted for a putter?
Putter fittings are worth the money if you are serious about improving your putting. Typically costing about $100 and taking 1 hour they act as a putting lesson and fitting combined giving key insights into golfers’ putting strokes and ideal putter weight, length, loft, lie angle and design.
Do different putters make a difference?
Putter heads vary vastly from blade putters to huge mallet putters. Your putter must suit your eye and enhance the feel of the stroke. Straight putting strokes will do better with a mallet putter or a face-balanced putter. Golfers with a curved putting stroke will benefit from blade putters or toe-balanced putters.
Do I need toe hang or face-balanced putter?
If the toe is drooping slightly, that means you have some semblance of toe hang in your putter. If the toe/face point towards the sky, you have a face-balanced putter. The neck design (slant, plumber’s, etc.) and shaft bend directly affect the amount of toe hang in a particular putter.
Who needs a toe hang putter?
Tends to work best for golfers who have more face rotation in their putting stroke or are looking to increase the amount of face rotation. For golfers who tend to miss putts to the right (toe hang helps close the face at impact if you have a tendency to leave it open).
How can I tell if my putter is face balanced?
When the club is perfectly balanced and sits horizontal relative to the ground, take a look at the club head. The more the toe of your putter head droops toward the ground, the more toe hang it has. If the face of your putter points toward the sky, then it’s face balanced.