What circumstances helped the IBM PC become so successful?

What circumstances helped the IBM PC become so successful?

What circumstances helped the IBM PC become so successful? IBM was the first to allow open source software, or architecture, this allowed creatingexternal parts for the IBM PC very easy. This was the innovation of the day, thusallowing various companies to make parts for the PC.

Why was the IBM PC so important?

The IBM PC revolutionized business computing by becoming the first PC to gain widespread adoption by industry. The IBM PC was widely copied (“cloned”) and led to the creation of a vast “ecosystem” of software, peripherals, and other commodities for use with the platform.

What was unique about the IBM PC?

Because the IBM PC was based on commodity hardware rather than unique IBM components, and because its operation was extensively documented by IBM, creating machines that were fully compatible with the PC offered few challenges other than the creation of a compatible BIOS ROM.

Is the IBM PC programmable?

It was a self-contained, Turing complete, programmable machine no larger than a suitcase, with a tape drive for loading and saving programs, a keyboard, and a 5-inch screen all built right in along with 16K or more of RAM.

Why did IBM stop making computers?

In the early 1990s, IBM made a painful transition from selling computers to selling services and software. For a time, IBM kept selling PCs because it made it easier to sell services. But eventually that stopped being enough of an advantage, so IBM sold off its PC line in 2005 to Lenovo.

Who invented IBM computer?

Mark Dean

Why did IBM fail?

IBM was failing to compete with the new breed of innovative software companies and hardware producers who could make computers much more cheaply. “Prices for mainframe computers dropped, eventually they dropped by 90%,” says Mr Heller. It lost money, it lost market share and became a company in denial.

What is IBM known for?

IBM is, perhaps, the best known computer company in the world. It began as the Computing, Tabulating & Recording Company (C-T-R) founded by Herman Hollerith in the late 1800s. IBM was the world leader in providing computer systems for both business and scientific applications.

What was first computer?

ENIAC machine

Who is the god of computer?

Charles Babbage KH FRS

Who invented Internet?

Bob Kahn

What are the 7 types of computers?


  • 1 Supercomputer.
  • 2 Mainframe.
  • 3 Server Computer.
  • 4 Workstation Computer.
  • 5 Personal Computer or PC.
  • 6 Microcontroller.
  • 7 Smartphone.
  • 8 References.

Where is the birthplace of the computer?

Iowa State campus

What did Steve Jobs call the computer?

Apple Computer

Why Apple logo is half eaten?

Because it was designed that way 40 years ago (long before Android). And iOS is eating Android for breakfast, lunch and dinner. One story is that it was to give a sense of scale, so that it didn’t look like a cherry.

Who owns Apple now?

Tim Cook Owns 950,767 Shares Tim Cook currently serves as Apple’s CEO, a position that he has held since succeeding Steve Jobs in 2011.

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