What city is 33 degrees north 84 degrees west?

What city is 33 degrees north 84 degrees west?

06-Jul-2002 — This narrative continues from 32N84W. 2:30 pm – 98 degrees and still cooking in central Georgia, headed for 33 north, 84 west, via I-75 and Macon. A quick stop for watermelon and we continued northward. The confluence is southwest of the small town of Forsyth.

What city is near 33 N 84 W?

33n 84w latitude and longitude

Name : 33n 84w
Country : World
State : Georgia
District : Monroe
Locality : Forsyth

What city and country is located at 10 degrees north 84 degrees west?

Costa Rica must be one of the world’s most beautiful places. #1: View to the west from 10 North 84 West. #2: View to the east from the confluence; the actual point is literally on the cliff at left.

What body of water is located at 45 N 82 W on the map of the United States?

From Pole to Pole

Co-ordinates Country, territory or sea
45°33′N 82°0′W Lake Huron
43°12′N 82°0′W Canada
42°15′N 82°0′W Lake Erie
41°31′N 82°0′W United States

What state would you be in if you were located at N 45 30ʹ0ʺ W 69 0ʹ0ʺ?

Answer: You would be in Maine.

Is it possible for a city to be at 115s 38 W?

No. Therefore nothing can be more north/south (have a latitude of more than 90 north/south) than the poles.

What is 30 degrees north and 90 degrees west?

When giving a location in latitude and longitude, latitude is always first. As an example, the location for New Orleans is 30 N, 90 W. This is read as 30 degrees north latitude, and 90 degrees west longitude.

Which cities are on the same latitude?

Miami is at the same latitude as Saudi Arabia. Honolulu at the same latitude as the Sahara desert. Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix and Houston are all at the same latitude as North Africa. Anchorage is further south than Reykjavik.

What is the nearest city of 56 degrees north and 38 degrees east?

The nearest city of any size is Melbourne.

What cities are at 55 degrees north?

Notable cities and towns on 55°N

  • Omsk, Omsk Oblast, Russia.
  • Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk Oblast, Russia.
  • Derry, Northern Ireland, UK.
  • Newcastle upon Tyne, England, UK.
  • South Shields, England, UK.
  • Thompson, Manitoba, CA.

What city is 1 degree south and 37 degrees east?

A really easy one. Just a few dozen miles from central Nairobi, in the pleasant hills around Thika and, according to the roadmap, right next to a good tarmac road.

What cities are at 35 degrees latitude?

World Cities at 35 Degrees North Latitude

  • St Philip Neri Church. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA — This city is located in the plains of the American Midwest and is subject to tornadoes and other extreme weather.
  • National Oklahoma City Memorial.
  • Xi’an Walls and Tower.
  • Sensoji Temple.

What is the 35 degree latitude line of tragedy?

It is along the 35th degree latitude that a whole string of brutal murders have occurred, including the shocking case of Andrea Pia Kennedy Yates, a Houston woman suffering from postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis who on June 20, 2001, murdered all five of her children by drowning them in a bathtub.

Where does the 35th parallel cross the United States?

The 35th parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 35 degrees north of the Earth’s equatorial plane. In the United States, the parallel defines the southern border of Tennessee, and the border between North Carolina and Georgia, as well as the southernmost point of Nevada.

What city is 30 degrees north and 31 degrees east?

Cairo city

What city lies at 60 degrees north and 30 degrees east?

60 degrees North Latitude, 30 degrees East longitude (60N 30E) (Saint Petersburg) The entire city of Saint Petersburg is understood to be within the 30/60 GPS quadrants, but here is the exact location!

Where is 30 degrees north and 30 degrees east?

30 degrees north and 30 degrees east according to Google Maps is pointed on a dessert not in a settlement instead. The desert is named Markaz El Hamam, it’s a part of Western Desert of Egypt, an area of Great Sahara desert which located in the west of Nile river.

What country is located at 30 degrees north?

List of countries by latitude

Latitude Locations
30° N Morocco; Algeria; Libya; Giza, Egypt; Jordan; Saudi Arabia; Iraq; Kuwait; the [[Persian Gulf]; Iran; Afghanistan; Pakistan; India; Nepal; southern China; southern Japan; northern Mexico; United States

Is 0 degrees north or south?

The equator is defined as 0 degrees, the North Pole is 90 degrees north, and the South Pole is 90 degrees south. Lines of latitude are all parallel to each other, thus they are often referred to as parallels.

What countries are at 40 degrees latitude?

Around the world

Co-ordinates Country, territory or sea
40°0′N 71°48′E Uzbekistan
40°0′N 71°50′E Kyrgyzstan
40°0′N 73°58′E China
40°0′N 119°54′E Pacific Ocean

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