What is the plot of the book schooled?

What is the plot of the book schooled?

When 13-year-old Capricorn Anderson’s grandmother breaks her hip, he has to move out of the hippie commune they live in and into the real world. Initially, he struggles. The children make fun of him and he is generally clueless about life beyond the commune. Slowly however, his affable personality wins people over.

What is the resolution of the book schooled?

The resolution of the story was that Rain sold Garland to some unknown business and got wealthy from it. Rain ended up buying a condo for Cap and her to live in. At the end of the story Cap ends up going back to C average middle school.

How did Capricorn Anderson parents die?

She’s taken care of Cap since his parents died of Malaria when he was young. She was always the teacher at Garland.

Where does the book schooled take place?

Garland Farm

Is there a second schooled book?

The Final Lesson Plan (Schooled 2) by Deena Bright.

Is schooled a movie?

Schooled is a great film because of its look at how we treat young people in this country. It addresses our fundamentally flawed public school system and shows a real-life alternative that is working for lots of free kids. Go see it and get schooled yourself. As far as the film as entertainment, it’s not perfect.

What is Garland schooled?

Garland Farms is an alternative farm commune that allowed people to escape society. At one point in time it had 14 families, it now has just Rain and Cap. education @Garland Farm. Cap was homeschooled, and he had to do the same thing as students attending regular school, like vocabulary and science projects.

Why can’t cap visit his grandmother more often?

It’s like being elected for village idiot. Why can’t Cap visit her grandmom in the hospital? because the facility is an hour a way, even more with traffic and there isn’t time.

Why is Sophie hateful to cap throughout most of the story?

She is terrified that Cap will tell her mother about the driving lesson. She is feeling guilty for stealing her mother’s car. Cap’s hair looked so gross, she didn’t want him sitting near her. She has started seeing the good in Cap, and her attitude is changing.

What does Mrs Donnelly think of Garland?

What is her experience with it? Mrs. Donnelly knows about Garland Farms since she use to live on there with her family. She had fun on the farm when she was younger, but then her parents decided to leave and she realized how strange it was.

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