Where did wheat originally came from?

Where did wheat originally came from?


Who introduced wheat?

The cultivation of wheat was started some 10,000 years ago, with its origin being traced back to south east Turkey. It was called Einkorn (T. monococcum) and genetically is described as a diploid, containing two sets of chromosomes. At a similar time Emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccum) was being domesticated.

What is the oldest wheat?


How long has wheat been used?

Modern wheat was cultivated from ancient wheat species such as einkorn, emmer, spelt and khorasan wheat more than 10,000 years ago.

Which state is famous for wheat?

Uttar Pradesh

Which state is known as bowl of wheat?


Which state is famous for cotton?

Gujarat is the leading cotton growing State followed by Maharashtra. Which State has the largest area under cotton? Maharashtra has the largest area under cotton cultivation followed by Gujarat.

What state is the largest producer of cotton?

state of Texas

Which city is famous for cotton?

Lahore … Pakistan’s textile industry, based on locally grown cotton, produces cotton yarn, cotton cloth, and made-up textiles and apparel. On the number one, Islamabad is the most famous and popular city of Pakistan. Kasur is also located in the east of the city.

Which state is first in cotton production?


Which state is largest producer of coffee?


Which is the largest cotton market in the world?

China holds the largest market share of 29.0% of the world cotton production and around 49.0% of the milled cotton used in the country. Similarly, in India, the dominance of textile sector prevails, as it consumes most of the cotton produced in the country.

Which state is the largest producer of tea?


Which country is famous for tea?


Who has the best coffee in the world?

The Best Coffee Beans in the World (2021)

  • Tanzania Peaberry Coffee.
  • Hawaii Kona Coffee.
  • Nicaraguan Coffee.
  • Sumatra Mandheling Coffee.
  • Sulawesi Toraja Coffee.
  • Mocha Java Coffee.
  • Ethiopian Harrar Coffee.
  • Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Coffee.

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