What is the difference between Tout and Tous in French?

What is the difference between Tout and Tous in French?

Tout as an Adjective. As you might guess, the word tout is masculine and singular. That means it is used when it modifies masculine, singular words. Consequently, tout becomes tous when modifying masculine plural forms, and toute and toutes modify feminine singular and feminine plural forms, respectively.

How do the French use weekdays?

Weekdays in French

  1. In French, weekdays can be used with the article “le” but also without.
  2. —–> Without “le” (Dialogue 1)
  3. —–> With “le” (Dialogue 2)
  4. To talk about a habit, to express a regularity the article “le” is necessary.
  5. In dialogue 2, the article “le” is used because the person is talking about a habit.

How do you say the week in French?

Notice that they are not automatically capitalized like they are in English….Days of the Week in English and French.

English French
Tuesday mardi (pronounced like: Mardi Gras)
Wednesday mercredi (pronounced: mer-cra-dee)
Thursday jeudi (pronounced: ju-dee)
Friday vendredi (pronounced: von-dra-dee)

How do you use tout toute Tous toutes?

Now, this changes when tout is used alongside masculine plural words, then it becomes tous. On the other hand, when it’s being used to modify a feminine singular word, tout becomes toute , and while in plural form it becomes toutes. In other words, tout likes to change how it looks a lot.

How do you say toutes in French?

“Tous” (S PRONOUNCED = toossss) “Toutes” (t pronounced, toot).

What is the opposite of tout in French?

NE… RIEN or RIEN NE (nothing or anything). The opposite is quelque chose (something) or tout (everything).

Is Tout le monde feminine or masculine?

Adjectives after personne, rien, tout le monde, quelqu’un are always masculine : French language lesson.

What is the opposite of gros in French?

Top antonyms for gross (opposite of gross) are gorgeous, you rock and net. Oposite of gros in French.

What’s a better word than disgusting?

loathsome, sickening, nauseous, repulsive, revolting, repugnant, abhorrent, detestable.

What is the opposite of in French?

French Translation. contraire. More French words for opposite. le inverse noun. reverse, inverse, converse, reciprocal, inversed.

What is the opposite of Sympathique in French?

What is the opposite of sympathique?

hateful loathsome
despised distasteful
ignoble accursed
abhorred disgusting
hated loathed

What is the opposite of Basse in French?

countertenors. falsettos. Noun. ▲ Opposite of plural for a general meaning or character.

What is the opposite of Heureux in French?

Opposite of Heureux is malheureux.

What is the opposite of Vieux?

Answer: vieux – jeune ; neuf; nouveau.

What is the opposite of gauche in French?

graceless, gawky, unpolished, unsophisticated, tactless. Antonyms: adroit.

What is the opposite of a droite in French?

Droite is a French word meaning right in the context of the direction. The antonym of right in this context is left.

What is the opposite of Nouvelle in French?

The opposite of nouveau is ancien (former).

What is the difference between Neuve and nouvelle in French?

The French adjectives neuf and nouveau can be tricky for French students because they are both equivalent to “new” but are not interchangeable….Nouveau = subjectively new.

masculine feminine
singular nouveau nouvelle
plural nouveaux nouvelles

What is the opposite of Jeune in French?

Answer: Opposite of Jeune in French is vieille.

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