Which sorghum is best?

Which sorghum is best?

Red, orange or bronze sorghum are very versatile and can be used in all segments of the sorghum industry. Tan, cream and white colored sorghum varieties are typically made into flour for the food industry. Black and burgundy varieties contain beneficial antioxidant properties and are used in other food applications.

How much does sorghum yield?

Its ability to withstand short periods of drought and high temperatures allowed the crop to produce a good yield across many areas. The final average expected yield across the U.S. will be around 76 bushels per acre, which is just below the record set in 2016 at 77.9 bushels per acre.

How do you increase the yield of sorghum?

sorghum planted early will have better water-use efficiency and can produce more yield despite receiving less rainfall on average. Moisture- seeking planting could be utilised more to achieve more sorghum planted at the optimum time, particularly in western areas on a long fallow after wheat.

What are the different types of sorghum?

Broom-cornSorghum × drummondiiJohnson grass

Is sorghum good for digestion?

Sorghum Aids in Digestion Adding a serving or two of sorghum to your daily diet can do your digestive system a world of good! A serving of sorghum contains 48% of the recommended daily intake of fiber! Fiber is the ultimate body regulator, helping food stay its course through your digestive system.

What is the best bread to eat for high blood pressure?

If you suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure), you may find that a diet high in whole-grains, such as oats or wholemeal bread, is as effective as taking anti-hypertensive medications, Scottish scientists reveal in an article published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Are potatoes good for high blood pressure?

According to the book, ‘Healing Foods’ by DK Publishing House, “potatoes are high in chlorogenic acid and anthocyanins, chemicals that help to lower blood pressure. The polyphenol in purple potatoes may also help.” Additionally, potatoes are also a good source of potassium.

Is rice good for high blood pressure?

In fact, research shows that eating a diet rich in whole grains (such as quinoa and other ancient grains, oatmeal and brown rice) helps fend off heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and some forms of cancer.

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