How do you change singular to plural in French?

How do you change singular to plural in French?

In French grammar, here’s how you turn a singular noun into a plural noun:

  1. For most nouns, you add –s to the end.
  2. Nouns that end in –au take –x in the plural.
  3. Most nouns that end in –ou take –s in the plural, but some take –x.
  4. Nouns that end in –al drop that ending and use –aux in the plural.

How do you change a French adjective into plural?

To change an adjective into its plural form, the basic rule is to add an -s. But if it already ends in -s or -x, no additional suffix is needed. For adjectives that end in -eau or -al, the plural form is -eaux or -aux. A few adjectives never change their form no matter what kind of noun they are describing.

What is the plural of C est?

The plural of “c’est” is “ce sont” but we don’t use it much in spoken French.

Are C Est and Il est interchangeable?

Before diving into usage, take a look at the different forms: C’est is neuter singular; its plural form is ce sont. However, c’est is used informally for both. Il est is masculine singular; its other forms are elle est (feminine singular), ils sont (masculine plural), and elles sont (feminine plural).

Does il est mean it is?

Getty Images/Matteo Colombo. Staff Author. Updated February 27, 2020. The French expressions c’est and il est are extremely important impersonal phrases. They can mean “this is,” “that is,” “it is,” “they are,” and even “he/she is.” Both c’est and il est are well-used French sayings that date back centuries.

How do you use C Est and Ce sont in French?

Note that ce is used with the verb être as follows: in its singular form, c’est, means it is /this is /that is, and in its plural form, ce sont, means they are /these are /those are.

What is the conjugation of etre in French?

French Verb Conjugations

Present Future
je / j’ suis serai
tu es seras
il est sera
nous sommes serons

What are the 17 etre verbs in French?

The following is a list of verbs (and their derivatives) that require être:

  • aller > to go.
  • arriver > to arrive.
  • descendre > to descend / go downstairs. redescendre > to descend again.
  • entrer > to enter. rentrer > to re-enter.
  • monter > to climb. remonter > to climb again.
  • mourir > to die.
  • naître > to be born.
  • partir > to leave.

Is Travailler avoir or etre?

Simple Conjugations for the French Verb Travailler

Present Present participle
tu travailles
il travaille Passé composé
nous travaillons Auxiliary verb avoir
vous travaillez Past participle travaillé

Is trouvé etre or avoir?

The Basic Conjugations of Trouver The good news for French students is that trouver is a regular -er verb. It follows the most common conjugation patterns found in the French language, so the endings you learn here can also be applied to a number of other verbs.

Is Je Travaille present tense?

Travailler is a French regular er verb meaning to work….Travailler Conjugation: Present Tense.

je travaille
il/elle travaille
nous travaillons
vous travaillez
ils/elles travaillent

What type of verb is travailler?

✔ Travailler is a regular ER verb.

Is avoir a regular verb?

It’s a simple tense. It’s a compound tense. There are two verbs: the auxiliary avoir and prendre. Your choice of an auxiliary verb is between avoir and être (“to be”).

What is etre in present tense?

The verb être (to be) is an irregular verb in the present tense. In il/elle/on est form, the s is not pronounced. In the vous êtes form, the s is pronounced as a or z to link with the vowel ê in êtes. The Singular Form of the Verb Être. Person.

What are the six forms of etre?

Now let’s conjugate it, in the present tense.

  • I am = Je suis. I am a woman = Je suis une femme.
  • You are = Tu es (casual)
  • She is = Elle est.
  • He is = Il est.
  • We are = on est.
  • We are = nous sommes.
  • You are = vous êtes (formal or you all)
  • They are = Elles sont (for an exclusively feminine group)

What is the verb etre?

The French verb être means to be. It can be used in its various conjugations to form descriptions when paired with adjectives. The different subject pronouns require different forms of the verb.

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