What is the gender of Trousse?

What is the gender of Trousse?

‘Trousse’ is feminine and singular, so ‘ta’ is used as the possessive adjective.

What do you mean by trousse?

pencil case [noun] a small bag for holding pens, pencils, and other items of stationery. …

What is the plural of trousse in French?

plural of trousse. trousses [pl/f]

Is Ville feminine in French?

The word ville is a feminine noun. It means ‘city’ or ‘town’ and is pronounced ‘veel’.

Is taille crayon masculine or feminine?


French English
10. mine de crayon (feminine noun) pencil lead (noun)
11. taille-crayon (masculine noun) pencil-sharpener (noun)
12. taille-crayon (masculine noun) Synonym: aiguisoir sharpener (noun)
13. crayon à lèvres (masculine noun) lip liner

Is taille crayon feminine?

taille-crayon {masculine}

Is Tableau feminine or masculine?

The word tableau in French is a masculine noun.

Is Craie masculine or feminine French?

Indefinite Articles

Gender Singular Plural
Masculine un livre des livres
Feminine une craie des craies

Is SAC feminine in French?

The word sac in French is a masculine noun. The gender does not change, even if the bag belongs to a female.

What does Montre means in French?

watch, am pointing to, am showing.

What does bags stand for in French?

The qualities they describe can be summarized by the acronym BAGS: B for beauty: beau (beautiful), joli (pretty) A for age: jeune (young), vieux (old), nouveau (new) G for goodness: bon (good), meilleur (better), mauvais (bad), gentil (kind) S for size: petit (small), haut (high), gros (fat)

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