How do you activate the bomb in GTA 3?

How do you activate the bomb in GTA 3?

If you have been to 8 ball and your car has been fitted with a car bomb, you can arm the bomb by pressing O (circle) while inside the car. Once the bomb has been armed you can get out and run away from the car and it will detonate the bomb.

How do you complete the Espresso 2 Go mission in GTA 3?


  1. Type. MISSION.
  2. Game. Grand Theft Auto III.
  3. For. Asuka Kasen.
  4. Location. Panlantic Construction Site, Fort Staunton.
  5. Target. Destroy all 9 Kappa Coffee Stalls located throughout Liberty City before time runs out.
  6. Unlocked by. Bait.
  7. Unlocks. S.A.M.

How do you complete the 8 Ball mission in GTA 3?

Go along with 8-Ball to the port. Stop at the specified point and take a sniper position on the roof, there is a staircase from the south-east side of the building. Don’t come close to Colombians….Walkthrough of the Second 8-Ball’s Mission.

For 8-Ball
Unlocked by Bomb Da Base: Act I
Necessary to Achieve 100% Yes

How do you complete missions in GTA 3?

In order to complete the mission the player must:

  1. Remember the cars have to be in mint condition to be accepted by the garage.
  2. Get out of the vehicle and walk outside.

What drug did Jimmy give Michael?

I agree it was either PCP or Ketamine.

How do you pass yoga in GTA 5?

After Amanda and Michael argue, Fabien wants him to join them to work out his anger. Prompted on the screen, you move in the direction that game tells you to. Once the little arrows are green you hold it there, and then hold down L2 and R2 to breathe for a few seconds.

How many missions is there in GTA 5?


How do you reunite Michael’s family?

Mission 64 – Reuniting the Family general information Way to unlock: You need to complete missions 62 (The Ballad of Rocco) and 63 (Cleaning Out the Bureau), and wait until there appears a marker next to Michael’s villa (letter M on the world map).

How do you complete scouting the port in GTA 5?

Mission Objectives

  1. Get in your truck.
  2. Go to Pier 400.
  3. Park next to dispatch.
  4. Follow Floyd.
  5. Get in the handler.
  6. Move the marked containers to the loading area.
  7. Set the container in the loading area.
  8. Go to the crane.

What is the best approach for the Merryweather heist?

The Merryweather Heist I would suggest that you go with the Offshore option for this mission. By completing the mission this way you are rewarded with both a Cargobob and a Submersible at the Sandy Shores Airfield.

Should I go for the freighter or offshore?

For the Freighter, you must improve Franklin snipping abilities as he will be snipping in the Freighter mission. For the Offshore, you have to improve Micheal flying abilities as he will be the pilot if you choose the Offshore mission.

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