Which of the following is a set of predefined unified formats for fonts colors graphics etc?

Which of the following is a set of predefined unified formats for fonts colors graphics etc?

A style is a predefined combination of font style, color, and size of text that can be applied to selected text. A theme is a set of formatting choices that can be applied to an entire document and includes theme colors, fonts, and effects.

What defines the appearance and shape of the letters numbers and special characters?

The Font, or typeface, defines the appearance and shape of letters, numbers, and special characters.

What is the first line of text on a flyer?


What is the last line of a flyer referred to as?

Signature Line. The last line of text on the flyer, contains contact information or identifies a call to action.

What is a signature line on a flyer?

signature line. the last line of text on the flyer, contains contact info or identifies a call to action.

What text prints with an underscore below each character?

Word Chapter 1 Vocabulary

Underlined Text prints with an underscore below each character
Italicized Text that has a slanted appearance
Quick Style Predifines styles in the Styles gallery
Stlye Set A set that consists of a group if frequently used styles formatted so they look pleasing when used together

What type of paragraph indentation forces the first line into a position to the left of the rest of the paragraph?

Word Lesson 4 Flashcards

In a Microsoft Word document, what is the amount of space that appears between paragraphs called? Paragraph spacing
What type of paragraph indentation forces the first line into a position to the left of the rest of the paragraph? Hanging indent

Is the process of changing the way characters appear on the screen and in print?

Allows you to type words in a paragraph continually without pressing the ENTER key at the end of each line. The process of changing the appearance of a paragraph. Character Formatting. The process of changing the way characters appear on the screen and in print.

Which formatting is the process of changing the way?

Solution(By Examveda Team) Character Formatting in word allows us to format text dozens of ways with different text effects, colors, underline styles, and more.

What is the process of changing the way letters?

(Blank) formatting is the process of changing the way letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and symbols appear on the screen and in print. Paragraph formatting requires the paragraph be selected prior to formatting.

Which formatting is the process of changing?

Character formatting: It is the way of changing the appearance of numbers, letter, symbols, punctuation marks on the screen and when it is printed. It is done to focus on few words so as to enhance the readability.

What formatting is the process of changing the way letters numbers punctuation marks and symbols appear on the screen and print?

Character formatting

Which command on the Home tab allows a user to change the case?

Word Lesson 2 Flashcards

Which command on the Home Ribbon allows a user to change the case of selected text to all uppercase, lowercase, sentence case, toggle case, or capitalize each word? Change Case
What is the process of chaning the appearance of a paragraph of text called? Paragraph formatting

Which tab on the ribbon do we use to change your font size?

the Home tab

What is the quickest way to select the paragraph?

Other ways to select text To select a single word, quickly double-click that word. To select a line of text, place your cursor at the start of the line, and press Shift + down arrow. To select a paragraph, place your cursor at the start of the paragraph, and press Ctrl + Shift + down arrow.

How do you select an entire text line?

Select an entire line of text by holding down the “Shift” key and pressing “End”, if you are at the beginning of the line, or “Home” if you are at the end of the line. Select an entire paragraph by placing your cursor at either the beginning or the end of that paragraph.

How do I select alternate lines in Word?

To select items that are not next to each other, follow these steps:

  1. Select the first item that you want. For example, select some text.
  2. Press and hold CTRL.
  3. Select the next item that you want. Important Be sure to press and hold CTRL while you select the next item that you want to include in the selection.

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