What are the types of hay?

What are the types of hay?

We carry 3 different basic types of hay: Grass, Legume and Grain. Grass hays like our Timothy have a high fiber content and are low in protein and calcium. It is one of the most common hays fed to horses.

What are the different types of hay for horses?

Kentucky bluegrass, orchardgrass and timothy are all examples of common grasses used for hay. Benefits: Grass hay is lower in protein and energy than legume hay — but it’s also higher in fiber, which can make it a good choice for many horses.

What is the difference between Timothy and orchard hay?

Orchard Grass is higher in protein (10-12%), higher in calorie content and contains the same balanced levels of calcium and phosphorus as Timothy grass. The high nutrient intake delivered by Orchard Grass hay translates into potentially less grain the horse would need to eat to satisfy energy and protein requirements.

What is 2nd cut hay?

2nd cutting is called “second” because it is the hay that is harvested after the 1st cutting. 2nd cutting Timothy Hay is a darker green color and is leafier and more tender with high levels of nutrition. It takes FarmerDave more time, effort and gentle care to make 2nd cutting Timothy Hay properly.

Which is better 1st or 2nd cut hay?

First cut hay is coarser than second cut, this is because the spring growth (rain, etc.) leads to thicker stems and stalks and heavier leaves. Second cut hay has a finer texture and usually, a greener color and heavier leaves. It is more dense, the leaves are more tender and healthier, especially in protein.

What is the difference between 1st 2nd and 3rd cut timothy hay?

To begin with, 1st cutting is the first hay cut from that field for the year. It tends to be more coarse and have more grasses in it. 2nd cutting is usually greener in color and has a sweeter smell. And lastly, 3rd cutting is very thick and rich.

What are the fluffy things in Hay called?

Seed Heads are the fuzzy tops on some cuts of hay. According to guinea pigs and rabbits they’re the best part! We consider these treats so they should be fed sparingly. Especially because of their calcium content.

Is Timothy Hay a Stemmy?

The hay is harvested when timothy is fully mature during the summer when hot dry days allow for sound drying. 1st cut timothy can seem coarse, less green and stemmy compared to other grass hays but that’s its nature and why it provides such a good source of fiber.

What type of hay is best for rabbits?

Timothy Hay

Can rabbits live off just hay?

No, absolutely not. A rabbit’s primary diet ingredient is hay. They need to eat as much hay as then can during the day. In fact, rabbits don’t need to eat anything else to survive and be healthy.

How long is hay good for?

You can store hay indefinitely if the stack is managed correctly; although, in humid climates, using hay within three years of harvest is ideal. Hay growers need to bale it at correct moisture levels because if it’s baled too damp the hay will generate heat, which leads to molding.

What’s the difference between timothy hay and meadow hay?

Meadow Hay is mainly made up of native soft stemmed pasture grasses. These contain more leaves than Timothy Hay, making it have an overall softer texture. Meadow Hay being softer also makes it better as a bed and to forage in, but also less consistent in content than Timothy Hay.

What is the difference between timothy hay and normal hay?

They are not different products; it’s all the same Timothy grass hay. The reason the term “grass hay” is used is to distinguish it from legume hay, such as alfalfa or peanut, which is richer. There are a lot of different types of hay, so often you see them labeled as “Teff grass hay” or “rye grass hay” or whatever.

What is the difference between seed hay and meadow hay?

Meadow hay is made after the seed has fallen so the plant has finished making loads of energy to produce it. Seed hay still has the seed on it so there is much more energy within the plant.

Do rabbits like meadow hay?

There are many different hays available; popular types include meadow, timothy, and orchard grass. Any of these hays will provide a suitable basis for your rabbit’s diet, but you don’t need to pick just one type.

How long does rabbit hay stay fresh?

While this amount can vary greatly among pets, many pet parents say 10-12 pounds lasts them approximately 2-3 months for one rabbit. A 50 pound box of hay last my rabbit three months, so definitely get the 50 pound one it’s worth it!

Is Meadow Hay a grass hay?

Meadow hay/Grass hay can be a combination of various species of grass harvested and it is almost impossible to estimate the sugar + starch content unless a full hay analysis is performed. It is high in sugar + starch and is NOT recommended as a safe feed insulin resistant/laminitic prone horses.

What does meadow hay look like?

Meadow Hay mainly consists of native soft stemmed pasture grasses. Containing more leaf than Timothy; Meadow hay tends to have a softer overall texture. Some Meadow hay contains edible plants other than grass. This can include plants such as dandelions, thistles, daisies and even cornflowers.

What does good grass hay look like?

Good quality hay should be bright green in color with little fading. A bleached, yellow, brown or black color may indicate aged hay, mold or poor storage conditions. Storage condition and age have a significant effect on vitamin content of hays.

Can a horse live on hay only?

So to answer your question, yes, a horse can live on just hay and be perfectly healthy.

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