How long do GREY whales stay with their mother?

How long do GREY whales stay with their mother?

The calves nurse for around 6 months, during which time the mother provides up to 50 gallons of milk each day, containing 53% fat. Calves may gain 60 to 70 pounds daily, building up blubber for their trip north.

What is the warmest ocean?

Answer: The hottest ocean area is in the Persian Gulf, where water temperatures at the surface exceed 90 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer. Another hot area exists in the Red Sea, where a temperature of 132.8 degrees Fahrenheit has been recorded at a depth of about 6,500 feet.

Why is sea water sticky?

When a water molecule is liberated from the skin surface it collides with a water molecule already in the air and bounces back to your skin. Lack of evaporation keeps your skin heated and that is why you feel sticky.

Where is the bluest water in the US?

Paradise Found: 5 U.S. Beaches With the Bluest Water

  • Kauna’oa Bay, Hawaii.
  • Jenny Lake, Wyoming.
  • Nantucket, Massachusetts.
  • Lake Tahoe, Nevada.
  • Siesta Beach, Florida.

Should you shower after swimming in the ocean?

“What I recommend is a post-swim shower.” While the amount of ocean bacteria on the skin was beginning to decline after 24 hours, some could have stayed on longer, says Nielsen, although further research would be needed to show that.

How dirty is ocean water?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , ocean water can be contaminated with animal waste, sewage spills, stormwater runoff, fecal matter, and germs from the rectal areas of swimmers.

Can you drink ocean water if boiled?

Humans cannot drink saline water, but, saline water can be made into freshwater, for which there are many uses. The process is called “desalination”, and it is being used more and more around the world to provide people with needed freshwater.

What is the dirtiest ocean in the world?

The most polluted ocean is the Pacific with 2 trillion plastic pieces and one third of the plastic found in this ocean circulates in the North Pacific Gyre.

Which country pollutes the ocean the most?

The US is responsible for way more of the plastic polluting the world’s oceans than previously thought, a new study reveals. When it comes to the countries that contributed the most to coastal plastic pollution, the US could rank as high as third in the world, it estimates.

Does the US dump plastic in the ocean?

The United States is also guilty of polluting oceans with plastic, but at a much lower level than China. Annually, 0.11 million metric tons of waterborne plastic garbage comes from the United States.

Does NYC still dump garbage in the ocean?

New York City Mayor David N. Dinkins said the City is entering a new environmental era. “We will no longer dump sewage sludge–the byproduct of the sewage treatment process–in the ocean. Instead, we will put it to the use nature intended, land application for beneficial productivity.

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