What is the argument between Pip and Drummle?

What is the argument between Pip and Drummle?

Ultimately, Pip, who has disliked Drummle since the two met, suggests “that we hold no kind of communication in the future.” The thought of Estella being with Drummle is too much for Pip to bear, so he decides that the two should not talk anymore.

Why is Bentley Drummle in pips Old Town?

An oafish, unpleasant young man who attends tutoring sessions with Pip at the Pockets’ house, Drummle is a minor member of the nobility, and the sense of superiority this gives him makes him feel justified in acting cruelly and harshly toward everyone around him.

Why does Pip call Drummle out about borrowing money from Startop?

Pip points out that Bentley borrowed and did not repay money from Startop. Pip suggests that he should think twice about criticizing people who loan him money. Pip then complains that Bentley would not lend them money if they needed it.

Who does Jagger warn PIP stay away from?

quarrel over a loan Drummle ungratefully borrowed from Startop. Jaggers warns Pip to stay away from Drummle, though the lawyer claims to like the disagreeable young man himself.

Why does Estella marry Drummle?

Estella married Drummle because she knew he was a terrible person and everyone would be perplexed and hurt that she married him. She was more interested in hurting her suitors, because there were plenty of excellent men that wanted her.

Does PIP like Jaggers?

Jaggers knows that Drummle is up to know good. He advises Pip. “Hah! He is a promising fellow—in his way—but he may not have it all his own way.

Why did Pip and Joe meet Jaggers?

Jaggers from Great Expectations is in charge of Pip’s finances and his training to become gentleman. As it turns out, when Pip was just a boy, Jaggers helped rescue a convict. That convict gave most of his money to Mr. Jaggers and asked him to become Pip’s guardian and lead him into the upper class lifestyle.

What does Jaggers think of PIP?

Jaggers tells Pip that he has “great expectations” because a rich person who chooses to remain anonymous has taken a liking to the boy and wants him to be raised as a gentleman.

Why did Joe see Pip in London?

Joe comes to visit Pip in London. Because Pip worries that Joe will disapprove of his opulent lifestyle and that Drummle will look down on him because of Joe, Joe’s visit is strained and awkward. Pip suddenly feels more kindly toward Joe, but the blacksmith leaves before Pip can improve his behavior.

Was PIP disturbed at the death of his sister?

Joe has “departed this world.” Pip’s reaction to this sad news is a “shock of regret without tenderness.” That is, he feels rue that he has lost his sister and wishes that he could have pursued Orlick, whom he suspects… (The entire section contains 2 answers and 445 words.)

Why did Jaggers save Estella?

Jaggers decided to give Estella to Mrs. Havisham because he believed she would have the best chance at living a normal life with the old woman. “children… He convinced Molly to give her up, telling her, “Give the child into my hands, and I will do my best to bring you off.

What happened on Pip’s twenty first birthday?

Pip’s twenty-first birthday finally arrives, meaning that he is an adult and will begin to receive a regular income from his fortune rather than having to go to Jaggers to access his money. For some reason, the encounter reminds Pip of his meeting with the convict in the graveyard so many years before.

Who is the person actually behind Pip’s great expectations?

The Convict, who escapes from a prison ship, whom Pip treats kindly, and who in turn becomes Pip’s benefactor. His name is Abel Magwitch, but he uses the aliases “Provis” and “Mr Campbell” when he returns to England from exile in Australia.

What were Mrs Joe’s last words?

Joe’s death and Biddy tells him her last words were “Joe,” “Pardon,” and “Pip.” Pip asks her about Orlick and hears that he is now working in the quarries and that he lurked by the forge the night Mrs. Joe died and still follows Biddy around. Mrs.

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