How big can Bala sharks grow?

How big can Bala sharks grow?

35 cm

What is the lifespan of a Bala shark?

10 years

Do Bala sharks eat tropical flakes?

Bala sharks accept flake foods, pellets, freeze-dried and frozen foods. They also voraciously accept live foods, including Daphnia, bloodworms, brine shrimp, mosquito larvae, and tubifex worms.

Can Silver Dollars live with Bala sharks?

Silver dollar fish, just like oscar fish are semi-aggressive. They can grow to about 6 inches in size, which is still small considered to the size of a full-grown bala shark. However, they can attack and with their sharp teeth they can hurt bala sharks.

Can a Bala shark live in a 20 gallon tank?

Can a Bala shark be placed in a 20-gallon tank? They may be able to when they are quite small, but it won’t be long before they will be too big for a 20-gallon, let alone a school of them. No, bala sharks have to be placed in a bigger tank (120 gallons or more) because they can outgrow a small aquarium.

Can Bala sharks live alone?

Bala Sharks do fine all alone. Bala Sharks are great and will do fine with just about any other fish. Bala Sharks are semi-aggressive so don’t put them together with anything much smaller.

Will a Bala shark eat guppies?

Minnows and rasboras also get along just fine with guppies. Even other members of the guppy family, like the platy, can easily, comfortably share a tank with guppies. However, keep in mind that most small schooling fish need to be kept in groups of at least six to feel comfortable.

Can red tail sharks live with Bala sharks?

You can keep them along with other Bala Sharks, Tetra, Minor Tetra, Char, Rasbora, Gourami, Rainbowfish, and Corydoras. Also, Bala Sharks are said to be one of the best Red Tail Shark tank mates.

How can you tell the difference between a male and female Bala shark?

Female bala sharks often have fuller, rounder bellies than males. Males are more streamlined in shape, although the difference might be subtle. It’s more obvious when mating time approaches. When a female is ready to lay eggs, her belly looks rounder than normal.

Can you keep sharks with guppies?

Can rainbow sharks live with guppies? While they’re small and cute and little, rainbows do okay with small livebearers like guppies and platties. Once they get the body mass to start throwing their weight around, you’ll need to reconsider.

Do Rainbow Sharks nip fins?

Other than loaches, rainbow sharks will pick on most bottom-dwelling fish like cichlids and catfish. You should also avoid long-finned fish, like freshwater angelfish, since the rainbow shark may nip at long-finned fish. The rainbow shark’s brightly colored fins make it a tempting target for fish with this proclivity.

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