Where did Cherith Baldry go to school?

Where did Cherith Baldry go to school?

The University of Manchester

Where did Cherith Baldry grow up?

Lancaster, England

How old is Cherith Baldry?

74 years (January 21, 1947)

Who wrote warrior cats?

Erin Hunter

Is there a warrior cats movie?

Based on the novel series by Erin Hunter, Warrior Cats (2023) is a movie that follows the adventure of an ordinary house cat named Rusty as he ventures into what lies beyond his comfortable home.

How did Cloudtail die?

He is assigned to the hunting patrol with Longtail when the tabby warrior is scratched in the eyes by a rabbit, permanently blinding him. When a badger makes its way onto ThunderClan territory, one of Cloudtail’s Clanmates, Willowpelt, is trampled by it, resulting in her death.

Does Netflix have warrior cats?

Warrior Cats is an animated TV series based on the Warriors book series by Erin Hunter. ”Warriors” cartoon coming to Netflix Best-selling feline book series Warriors by Erin Hunter has been picked up for an animated adaptation on Netflix. It is set to air sometime in 2019.

Is Ashfur a girl or a boy?

Is Ashfur a girl or boy? Ashfur is a boy.

Who is Ashfur’s mate?


Who does Cinderpelt love?

When Cinderpelt was full medicine cat, she and Firestar remained quite close. Cinderpelt later trained Firestar’s daughter Leafpool as a medicine cat. The Erins stated that Cinderpelt was always in love with Firestar but never told him and he never knew.

Is Yellowfang a girl or a boy?


Clan: StarClan
Past Clans: ThunderClan, ShadowClan
Gender: She-cat

Is Feathertail a girl?

I’ll face it loyal to my Clan.” Feathertail is a slender, soft-furred, silver tabby she-cat with sky-blue eyes, a plumy tail, and a broad face.

Is Tallstar a girl?

Tallstar is a black-and-white tom with a very long tail and amber eyes. Tallstar was a leader of WindClan in the forest territories.

Is Hollyleaf a girl?

Book appearances Hollyleaf is a slender, long-legged, black she-cat with soft and long fur. She has green eyes, and a bushy tail. Hollyleaf was a ThunderClan warrior that served under Firestar’s leadership in the lake territories.

How does Mousefur die?

As an elder, Mousefur retained her sharp tongue. She cultivated a strong friendship with Longtail and Purdy. Mousefur was slain during the Great Battle and the whole Clan grieved her loss, and later gave Bramblestar a life for pride in ThunderClan.

Did Hollyleaf have a mate?

Erin Hunters confirmed that Fallen Leaves and Hollyleaf did love each other. They mentioned that if they ever met up in Starclan they would become mates. And, yes, sadly, Hollyleaf was killed by Hawkfrost, so she did join her starry warrior ancestor.

Who is Jayfeather’s real parents?


Is Sol an evil warrior?

Sol is a major villain in the Warriors book series by Erin Hunter. He appears as the main antagonist of the “Power of Three” story arc, as well as “The Forgotten Warrior”, the fifth of the “Omen of the Stars” story arc. He is a mysterious cat who seeks to destroy the Warrior Clans and everything they believe in.

Who is the most evil warrior cat?

Most Evil Warrior Cats

  • Tigerstar Tigerstar is a villain in the Warriors series by Erin Hunter.
  • Brokenstar Brokenstar is a villain character from the Warrior Cats series.
  • Scourge Scourge is a villain the Warrior Cats series.
  • Hawkfrost Hawkfrost is a villain character from the Warriors series.
  • Darkstripe.

Who is the most hated warrior cat?

My 10 Most Hated Warrior Cats; by Wolfpaw

  • 8, Pinestar:
  • 7, Rowanstar:
  • 6, Spottedleaf:
  • 5, (Alive) Silverstream:
  • 4, Brokenstar: What do you do when you become leader?
  • 3, Onestar: Pretty much Rowanstar, but we know far more about him.
  • 2, Ashfur: Once again, self-explanatory.
  • 1, Foxheart! Fox-flipping-heart!

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