How were people affected by the Tangiwai disaster?

How were people affected by the Tangiwai disaster?

The Tangiwai tragedy killed more people than the combined total of all the other rail accidents in New Zealand history (the next-worst accidents, at Hyde in 1943 and Ōngarue in 1923, claimed 21 and 17 lives respectively). It is worth noting, too, that in 1953 road accidents in New Zealand claimed 279 lives.

What caused the Tangiwai railway disaster 1953?

24 December 1953 The cause of the tragedy was a volcanic lahar from the Mt Ruapehu crater lake, which sent a huge wave of water, silt, boulders and debris surging down the Whangaehu River minutes before the express approached the bridge at Tangiwai.

Where is whangaehu?

North Island of New Zealand

What does whangaehu mean?

Whangaehu was the site of a Māori settlement when Europeans began settling the nearby Whanganui River mouth at Whanganui in mid-19th century. A lahar – a sudden surge of mud-laden water – swept down the river.

Where is the Tangiwai disaster memorial?

The Tangiwai Memorial is situated just off State Highway 49, between Tangiwai and Waiouru. With the very worst of bad luck, the overnight Wellington to Auckland passenger express train, carrying 285 people, arrived at the bridge shortly afterwards.

How do you pronounce whangaehu?

Spelt Whangaehu but pronounced Wangaehu.

What year was the Wahine disaster?


When was the Tangiwai disaster?


How many carriages are on the Tangiwai train?

nine carriages

What were the long term consequences of the Tangiwai disaster?

The consequences of the Tangiwai disaster is the remains of the train, deaths and upset families, also a lahar warning system has been put in place.

How many carriages were on tangiwai?

What are the natural disasters in New Zealand?

Earthquakes, landslides & volcanoes

  • Wellington earthquake – 1855.
  • Mount Tarawera eruption – Central North Island – 1886.
  • Murchison earthquake – West Coast – 1929.
  • Hawke’s Bay earthquake – 1931.
  • Inangahua earthquake – West Coast – 1968.
  • Abbotsford landslide – Dunedin – 1979.
  • Edgecumbe earthquake – Bay of Plenty – 1987.

When did Ruapehu last erupt?

25 September 2007

Is Rangitoto Island still active?

In 2013, scientists from Auckland University said new studies showed Rangitoto had been much more active in the past than previously thought, suggesting it had been active on and off for around 1000 years before the final eruptions around 550 years ago (BP= before 1950).

What does Ruapehu mean in English?

Ruapehu is the Māori word for ‘pit of noise’ or ‘exploding pit’.

What happens if Mount Ruapehu erupts?

Mount Ruapehu can produce lahars (mudflows) and ashfall following eruptions, which threaten people and property as well as the area’s tourist industry.

How dangerous is Ruapehu?

Ruapehu Summit Hazard Zone Flying rocks (ballistics), and fast-moving clouds of steam and hot ash, can occur during eruptions of Ruapehu. These are the most hazardous within the Summit Hazard Zone. The main volcanic hazard to most visitors on Ruapehu is lahar.

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