How much is the first Green Lantern comic book worth?

How much is the first Green Lantern comic book worth?

Green Lantern

undefinedundefined Issue: # 1
Current Value: $16,500.00
Searched: 18914
Owned: 66
Pages: 36

How can you tell if a comic book is worth money?

The easiest way to determine if your comics fall into the “good” category is by looking at the cover price. Almost all comic books have the retail cover price at the time of publication on the cover. The valuable ones will have 10c, 12c, 15c, 20c, or 25c on the cover.

What is Green Lantern worth?

DC Comics // Green Lantern The highest recorded sale of issue 1 in existence (or once on the market) has a 9.0 CGC VF/NM and sold for the price of $56,333 in 2019.

Who is the strongest 10 year old girl in the world?

Naomi Kutin

How traumatic is drowning?

Site of drowning was the pool (70.6%), the bathtub (19.0%), or natural water (10.4%). The prevalence of traumatic injury was 4.9% (95% confidence interval, 0%-28%).

Which gender makes up 80% of drowning deaths?


Who is more likely to drown?

“It is more likely that a male will drown than a female and it starts really early, at 1 year old.” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said about 80% of people who die from drowning are male. And there’s a long history of data that shows men are more likely to plunge into the water than women.

How does a good swimmer drown?

These are some of the ways that overconfidence can lead to drowning: Trying to keep up – People who want to fit in (whether it’s a child or an adult) may assume they can keep up with other swimmers. Shallow Water Blackout – Many swimmers believe they can hold their breath for a long time without any issues.

What should a swimmer do if he or she is caught in a rip current?

If you do get caught in a rip current, the best thing you can do is stay calm. It’s not going to pull you underwater, it’s just going to pull you away from shore. Call and wave for help. You want to float, and you don’t want to swim back to shore against the rip current because it will just tire you out.

Why do swimmers pour water on themselves?

Why do swimmers splash water on themselves before a race? The water can lock a suit on a swimmer’s body, but it can also be done to jolt a swimmer’s body into race ready condition. It is believed that the shock of the initial dive into the water will then be less of a shock.

Can you still drown if you know how do you swim?

“Something always precipitates drowning.” Only about 35% of Americans know how to swim, and only 2% to 7% swim well, Osinski says. “You’re not drowning if you can call for help,” Osinski says. After about 20 seconds, the swimmer will start to sink and will hold his breath underwater for anywhere from 30 to 90 seconds.

Can you drown from exhaustion?

A report from Safe Kids Worldwide states that one of the most likely reasons swimmers drown is due to exhaustion. With a startling number of kids drowning each year in the U.S., we wanted to find out ways people can save themselves if they are met with a crisis.

How do most drownings occur?

The highest risk locations for drowning vary by age. Two thirds of infants under 1 year old drown in bathtubs. Most drownings happen in home swimming pools among children ages 1–4. More than half of fatal and nonfatal drownings among people 15 years and older occur in natural waters like lakes, rivers, or oceans.

How does shallow water blackout occur?

Shallow water blackout is a loss of consciousness caused by cerebral hypoxia towards the end of a breath-hold dive in shallow water. It is typically caused by hyperventilating just before a dive, which lowers the carbon dioxide (CO2) level and delays the diver’s urge to breathe.

What are two consequences of shallow water blackout?

Shallow water blackouts are especially dangerous because an individual simply loses consciousness and can drown without any sign of a struggle. In some cases, an individual experiencing a shallow water blackout will appear to be making coordinated movements because their body may continue to function temporarily.

Can you die from shallow water blackout?

Health and Wellness, Pool Safety, Texas Swim Academy Few are aware of the drowning risk from Shallow Water Blackout (SWB), but it typically affects strong swimmers and the physically fit. Because Shallow Water Blackout occurs with no warning, the result is almost always fatal when the victim is in the water.

How can you minimize the risk of shallow water blackout?

Share the information you learned with others, both in your facility and outside of. Inform your lifeguards to try and monitor those who are training for swim meets, by making sure they come up for a proper breath. Never allow breath-holding games. Inform pool goers to breathe when they have the urge.

Why is shallow water dangerous?

Typically, when carbon dioxide levels build in your body, you are triggered to take a breath. However, when under shallow water, you may hyperventilate, and since you cannot take a breath, you may lose consciousness. This could lead to severe injuries or even death.

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