How far away is Greenland from Norway?
2642 km
How far is Iceland to Norway?
1459 km
How far is Norway from Antarctica?
Distance from Antarctica to Norway is 17,311 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 10,757 miles. The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Antarctica and Norway is 17,311 km= 10,757 miles.
Is Norway close to Antarctica?
The territory lies between 20° west and 45° east, between the British Antarctic Territory to the west and the Australian Antarctic Territory to the east. The latitudinal limits of the territory are not officially defined. Positioned in East Antarctica, the territory comprises one-sixth of the total area of Antarctica.
How far is Svalbard from North Pole?
Svalbard is a Norwegian group of islands located in the Arctic Ocean north of continental Norway, about 650 miles (1,050 kilometers) from the North Pole. It is the northernmost year-round settlement on Earth, with a population of about 2,200.
Is Svalbard dangerous?
Svalbard’s main settlement of Longyearbyen is an extremely safe town, one where crime is almost unheard of. A few things to remember: Dress warmly, even in summer when night-time temperatures can fall below freezing.
How expensive is Svalbard?
Yep, Svalbard is expensive. But if you don’t include our flights, it was $93.53 per person per day, which really isn’t SO terrible. Our free accommodation was HUGE. Hotels in Svalbard aren’t cheap, especially if you don’t want to share a bathroom.
Does Svalbard have Internet?
The Internet connection in Svalbard is top class, courtesy of NASA renting bulk capacity on undersea fibre optic cables running at seabed to mainland Norway for its experiments. Longyearbyen has several public Internet terminals.
Why is Svalbard so cold?
The archipelago is the meeting place for cold polar air from the north and mild, wet sea air from the south. This creates low pressure and changeable weather with high wind speeds, particularly in winter; in January, a strong breeze is registered 17% of the time at Isfjord Radio, but only 1% of the time in July.
How fast is Svalbard Internet?
You might be surprised to learn that the fastest average internet connection is to be found on the Norwegian islands of Svalbard and Jan Mayer, where the average connection speed is 36.50mbps.
What is the currency of Svalbard?
Norwegian Krone
Who lives on Svalbard?
Although Svalbard belongs to the Kingdom of Norway, two settlements in the archipelago are mostly populated by Russians and Ukrainians. Around 450 people live in the modern mining community of Barentsburg, while fewer than 10 live in the Soviet ghost town of Pyramiden.
Do I need a visa to go to Svalbard?
Regulations regarding entry to Svalbard Svalbard is not part of the Schengen co-operation, and foreigners need neither a visa nor a work or residence permit to stay on Svalbard. However, a visa for the Schengen area is required when travelling via the Norwegian mainland.
What animals live in Svalbard?
A total of 19 species of marine mammals are found in Svalbard waters. This includes polar bears, walruses, five species of seals and 12 species of whales. Of these, polar bears, walruses, narwhals, white and bowhead whales stay in the area year-round.
Are there orcas in Svalbard?
In the Norwegian and Barents Sea area there are about 3,000 killer whales. Some small fraction of this population spends time around Svalbard. The killer whale is the largest member of the dolphin family, and like most other dolphins they live in social groups.
Can you see polar bears Svalbard?
You can encounter polar bears anywhere in Svalbard all year round. Be cautious when moving outside the settlements and preferably be accompanied by a local guide. The polar bear has been protected by international law since 1973.
What is interesting about Svalbard?
Svalbard is a highly preserved area with at least 60% of the land being protected. There are seven national parks, twenty-nine protected areas, fifteen bird sanctuaries and six nature reserves, making it an ideal place to view wildlife in its natural home.
Why is it illegal to die in Longyearbyen?
Contrary to popular beliefs, it is not illegal to die in the town of Longyearbyen, Norway. This is because the bodies of town members who died during the 1918 flu pandemic have not decomposed due to the permafrost, and there are concerns that the bodies still contain active strains of the virus.
Do you have to carry a gun in Svalbard?
Again: there is no law that requires anyone to carry a rifle in Svalbard! It is not forbidden to die in Longyearbyen and there is no law asking you to carry a rifle in Svalbard.