How much is a Greyhound bus ticket from Baton Rouge to Houston?

How much is a Greyhound bus ticket from Baton Rouge to Houston?

Bus from Baton Rouge to Houston from $31 | Greyhound.

How much is a bus ticket from Houston to Baton Rouge?

How much does a bus ticket from Houston to Baton Rouge cost? The average bus ticket price from Houston to Baton Rouge is $42.

How much are bus tickets to Houston?


Route Type Fares Discounted Fares Students, Seniors, Medicare Cardholders and Disabled
Local Bus / METRORail / METRORapid $1.25 per ride $0.60 per ride
Park & Ride Zone 1 $2.00 per ride $1.00 per ride
Park & Ride Zone 2 $3.25 per ride $1.60 per ride
Park & Ride Zone 3 $3.75 per ride $1.85 per ride

How much is a bus ticket from Galveston to Houston?

All passengers pay a $4.50 fare one way on Island Transit buses and also on METRO Route 246. Total one way fare between Galveston and Houston is $9.00.

How much does it cost to uber from Houston to Galveston?

According to Galveston Cruise Tips, estimated fares for Uber and Lyft are $42-56 from Houston Hobby to the cruise port each way. The estimated cost is $73-96 for a ride from Bush Intercontinental to the Galveston port.

How much is a bus ticket from New York to Texas?

Journey Information

Distance 1371 mi (2206 km)
Shortest duration 36h 54m
Cheapest price $174.00
Most frequent service Greyhound
Bus lines 1

Can you take a bus from New York to Texas?

No, there is no direct bus from New York to Texas. The distance between New York and Texas is 1551 miles. The road distance is 1635.5 miles.

How long is a train ride from New York to Texas?

How long is the train journey from New York to Dallas? The distance between New York and Dallas is approximately 1371 miles, or 2206 kilometers. The average train journey between these two cities takes 48 hours and 13 minutes, although the absolute fastest you could get there is 44 hours and 50 minutes.

How much does it cost from New York to Texas?

Cheap Domestic Flights from New York – NYC

Flights Lowest Price
New York City to Dallas $81
New York City to Houston $86
New York City to Austin, Texas $68
New York City to San Antonio, Texas $504

How much does it cost to drive from NY to Texas?

The total cost of driving from New York, NY to Dallas, TX (one-way) is $183.68 at current gas prices.

How many hours does it take to go from New York to Texas?

Flying time from New York to Texas The total flight duration from New York to Texas is 3 hours, 26 minutes.

How many hours is a flight to Texas?

An average nonstop flight from the United States to Texas takes 3h 14m, covering a distance of 1245 miles.

Is Texas close to New York?

Distance from Texas to New York is 2,507 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 1,558 miles. The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Texas and New York is 2,507 km= 1,558 miles.

What state is in between Texas and New York?

Halfway between Texas and New York The best city between Texas and New York to meet is Bowling Green, Kentucky which is about 5 miles from the exact midpoint. The town that marks the exact halfway point is actually Bristow, Kentucky.

Is Texas cheaper than New York?

Cost of living: Compared to New York, and the rest of the nation in general, Texas has cheaper labor, cheaper producer, cheaper houses and cheaper gas, which all translate to a lower cost of living, according to Time.

What is halfway between Houston and New York City?


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