How much is Greyhound bus from Johannesburg to Bloemfontein?

How much is Greyhound bus from Johannesburg to Bloemfontein?

Information on this bus route

Daily Buses 54
Average Ticket Price $24
Minimum Trip Duration 4h20m
Average Bus Trip Duration 6h10m
Bus Companies on This Route Citiliner, Greyhound Mega Coach, Intercape

How much is bus ticket from Johannesburg to Bloemfontein?

bus ticket prices from johannesburg to bloemfontein? Bus prices to Bloemfontein costs between R230 to ZAR 470.00 each seat. City to City has the cheap bus tickets prices for R230.

How much does it cost to travel from Johannesburg to Bloemfontein?

The average price for connecting flights from Johannesburg to Bloemfontein is R5 156. The average price for direct flights from Johannesburg to Bloemfontein is R2 011.

How much is a bus from Johannesburg to free state?

The best way to get from Johannesburg to Free State is to bus via Kroonstad which takes 6h 4m and costs R 330 – R 460.

How much is a taxi from Johannesburg to free state?

Johannesburg Taxi Fare from park station to free state is ZAR R 540. It usually takes 48 minutes to reach free state from park station which are 54,045 Kms apart. Taxi fares in Johannesburg are calculated based on the minimum fare and fare for the subsequent Kms. Taxis in Johannesburg generally charge extra at night.

How much is a taxi from Johannesburg to Bloemfontein?

Johannesburg Taxi Fare from jhb to Bloemfontein is ZAR R 50. It usually takes 12 minutes to reach Bloemfontein from jhb which are 3,215 Kms apart. Taxi fares in Johannesburg are calculated based on the minimum fare and fare for the subsequent Kms. Taxis in Johannesburg generally charge extra at night.

Is there Uber in Bloemfontein?

Uber has recently been launched in Port Elizabeth and Bloemfontein should be the next site as it targets towns with a population of more than a million. Mangaung recently became a metropolitan municipality, so Uber is part of the metropolitan municipality club.

How long is bus from Bloemfontein to Johannesburg?

around 5h 51m

How many hours drive from Joburg to Bloemfontein?

Distance between Johannesburg, Gauteng and Bloemfontein, Free State is 398.4 km

@ Speed Time
70 Km/h (43 mph) 5 Hours 41 minutes
60 Km/h (37 mph) 6 Hours 38 minutes
45 Km/h (28 mph) 8 Hours 51 minutes
30 Km/h (18 mph) 13 Hours 17 minutes

How much is train from Johannesburg to Bloemfontein?

Trains from Johannesburg to Bloemfontein You will be in the city in about 7 hours. The train fares will cost around 9 USD.

How much is petrol from Johannesburg to Bloemfontein?

45 Total Cost of Fuel from Johannesburg to Bloemfontein. Your trip to Bloemfontein will consume a total of 6.18 gallons of fuel.

How far is Port Elizabeth from Joburg?

The distance between Johannesburg and Port Elizabeth is 894 km. The road distance is 1080.1 km.

How many km is Johannesburg from Cape Town?

1,261 kilometers

How many km Johannesburg to Nelspruit?


How much is a taxi from Johannesburg to Nelspruit?

ZAR R 135 – Taxi Fare from Jhb CBD to Nelspruit CBD.

What is the distance from Johannesburg to Mbombela?

300 km.

Which is better Cape Town or Johannesburg?

Cape Town is an easier city to settle in as an expat, while the quality of urban living is higher. Overall, people tend to be slightly happier in Joburg than in Cape Town, InterNations said. Data from Numbeo and Expatistan meanwhile, highlighted the cost of living in South African cities.

How long does the bus take from Cape Town to Johannesburg?

The bus traveling length from Cape Town to Johannesburg is around 18h 57m. Eldo Coaches advertise it has the fastest transportation from Cape Town. Selecting this company, you probably arrive in about 16h 30m in Johannesburg.

Is Johannesburg safe?

How Safe Is Johannesburg Really? Johannesburg has a reputation of a lawless city and very high crime levels, so the sight of police and security guards is very common. However, though crime rates are very high, tourists are seldom victims, since the crimes occur in areas rarely frequented by tourists.

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