How long does Janie think mourning should last?
Despite these constant advances, Janie’s six months of mourning pass without any suitor making progress. Janie’s newfound freedom and independence make her happy, and she has no desire to become tied down to another man. Her only source of unhappiness is the store, which she continues to run.
What does Janie say to Joe on his deathbed?
Janie Starks : [to Joe on his deathbed] Even now, you got to die with me being obedient, instead of just letting me love you. Joe Starks : I hope thunder and lightning kill you.
What does Janie discover about her feelings for her grandmother?
As for her grandmother, Janie admits to herself that “she hated her grandmother and had hidden it from herself…. under a cloak of pity”(89). Janie had always felt sorry for her grandmother and pitied the life Nanny was forced to live, therefore she could not admit to being angry at Nanny for forcing her to marry.
What did Janie tell Joe just before he died?
What did Janie tell Joe just before he died? She told him he really didn’t know her, that she had a lot of sympathy but he would never let her use it.
Did Janie kill Jody?
Janie killed Jody mentally. He couldn’t handle the truth that she was telling him about himself. Jody tried to make Janie stop but she kept going. He was overwhelmed what was being said but he was already struggling with death.
Why is Janie’s insult particularly offensive to Joe?
Why is Janie’s insult particularly offensive to Joe? It made Jody feel amateurish by seeing his power and reputation ruined to the point that everyone in the store laughs at him that makes himself lash out in a blind rage by fiercely hitting Janie and driving her from the store.
What did Joe Starks die of?
In Their Eyes Were Watching God, Joe Starks dies from kidney failure and old age. Essentially, his elderliness probably caused his kidneys to stop working properly. Joe dies while continuing to harangue Janie for her alleged faults.
Why does Janie hate her grandmother?
In Their Eyes Were Watching God, Janie hates her grandmother for raising her to value things over people. The old woman was obsessed with instilling into her granddaughter the importance of material wealth and high social status.
What things about Janie make Joe jealous?
The long dark hair that was beribboned for the schoolgirl Janie becomes an item of jealousy for Joe. He makes Janie hide her hair under headrags while she works in the store because he is afraid that some other man might touch it or admire it.
What attracts Janie to Joe?
Joe Starks walks into Janie’s life at an opportune time. She is regretting her marriage to Logan Killicks and hankering to explore the world outside her gate. Janie is immediately attracted to Joe and makes a show of pumping water to offer him a cool drink. Joe’s business savvy quickly reaps profits for them.
What does Janie’s hair symbolize?
Janie’s hair is a symbol of her power and unconventional identity; it represents her strength and individuality in three ways. First, it represents her independence and defiance of petty community standards.
What did Joe Starks teach Janie?
Janie learned from her marriage to Jody Starks that she needs to think about her happiness and that a married couple should see each other as equals. Janie fell in love with Jody because of his big plans and his success. Jody treated Janie as an accessory, a bonus to his success.
How did Joe treat Janie?
How does Joe Starks treat Janie? Joe Starks treats Janie well in some ways: He builds her a big house and gives her nice clothes, and she gets the respect due to the wife of the mayor. However, Joe is also very domineering and jealous. He makes Janie cover her hair so other men can’t see it.
What does Jody Starks symbolize?
Joe Stark symbolizes freedom and carefree living. When Janie first meets Joe she thinks that marrying him would result in her having a very easy and layed back life because he makes her believe that he would do all the work while she relaxes on the porch.
Why did Joe Starks marry Janie?
Janie marries Joe because he is different from Logan, and seems to be able to make her happy. She thinks that he will provide her with a happy life. She was miserable with Logan because he treated her like a servant. Joe buys her presents, she is very impressed with his attitude and ambition.
Does Janie forgive nanny?
Janie’s sympathy for “helpless things” stems from her position as a helpless woman under Joe’s reign. Despite the many crimes committed against her, Janie is able to forgive everyone but Nanny because Nanny’s crime violates the virtue Janie holds most dearly: honesty.
What is tea cake’s real name?
Vergible Woods
Why does Logan kill Janie?
To top it off, she doesn’t care at all for his 60 acres. Enraged, Logan calls her spoiled, thinks that she looks down on him because she was raised in a white household, and says that her mother and grandmother weren’t hardworking. And, he threatens to kill her with an axe.
Did Janie kill tea cake?
Janie kills Tea Cake to save her own life. A few weeks before, Tea Cake was bitten while rescuing Janie from an angry dog during the hurricane. Finally, out of his mind, Tea Cake shoots at Janie, and she kills him in self-defense.
Who does Janie marry after Logan?
Joe Starks