Is Guild Wars 2 subscription based?

Is Guild Wars 2 subscription based?

Guild Wars 2 will never require a monthly subscription or any other fees to play! Whether you decide to play on a free account forever or make a one-time purchase to upgrade your account with the latest expansion(s), you have the freedom to continue playing the game without ever spending another dollar.

Does gw2 use AWS?

“The Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire rollout worked so well we started moving all other services from our IDC’s to AWS. We did it without any downtime, including the process of mirroring our IDC databases into the cloud. “Our operating system and database licensing costs went down when we moved to AWS.

How do I join the same instance Guild Wars 2?

If, after that, they’re not in the same one as you, you can right click on one another’s portraits in the party menu and select ‘Join In’, which shouldmove you into the same instance as them.

Why can’t I see my friend in gw2?

If you cannot see your friend in-game, it could be because you two are not on the same server. You can see which server you are playing on in the server section under Settings in My Account. Go to your friend list in the game and look at the Ignore tab. If your friend on it, simply remove him/her.

How do I teleport to a friend in Guild Wars 2?

Double-click to consume. Use to teleport to a party member’s location.

How do you switch instances in gw2?

You can change the instance using the blue rune icon near the minimap or the “Change Instance” button in the lower right corner of the map window (“M” key”). You can also directly click with the right mouse button on one of your teammates portrait and select “Move to their map instance”.

How do I leave Story instance gw2?

I’ve had this happen with a friend. Another way to get out is to join a friend in sPvP hotjoin, and then exit the match.

Can you change servers on Guild Wars 2?

Yes you can change if you want to. On the character select screen there’s a button in the bottom left corner which says World Selection. That brings up a list of all the servers in your region, and there’s a drop-down box in the top right corner to switch to the other region.

How do I change my region in Guild Wars 2?

You can move regions simply by transfering servers which normally costs gems. By transfering to a server with Medium population, it only costs 500 gems.

What’s the best class in gw2?

Thief, warrior and elementalist have most invidual playstyles to choose from and though engi isn’t damage-wise as versatile, holosmith has extremely high dps and scrapper is godmode tanky and both have superfun constantly moving playstyle. And engi is also very fun if you try to actually keep up might on squad with it.

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