How do you treat worms in guinea pigs?

How do you treat worms in guinea pigs?

Guinea pigs can contract worms from cat & dog faeces, so it is essential that if your own a cat or dog that your Guinea Pig does not have access to eating it. Prevention is far better than treatment for worms, so it is best to regularly de-worm them with a treatment such as Revolution, Advocate or Profender.

Do I need to vaccinate my guinea pig?

While guinea pigs do not require any vaccinations, it is recommended that you take your pet to a veterinarian familiar with guinea pigs at least once each year for a routine checkup.

Do guinea pigs need baths?

Guinea pigs are known to be an extremely clean creatures who groom themselves very often. Therefore, you rarely need to give them a bath. Please do not bathe your guinea pig unless it is necessary. Unnecessary baths will result in dry fur coats and skin.

Should you have 1 or 2 guinea pigs?

In the same way you can’t eat just one potato chip, you can’t adopt just one guinea pig. It isn’t healthy for them to be alone—they need a companion of their own species who they can “talk,” play, and cuddle with. Companionship is so vital to their well-being that Switzerland has made it illegal to keep only one.

How do I give my guinea pig a bath?

Guinea Pig Baths Make sure that your guinea pig is calm before dunking it in the bath. Placing their feet in the warm water first can help them get used to the idea. Keeping something tasty nearby will distract them too. Once your guinea pig is calm, place their lower body in the shallow, warm water.

Is guinea pig pee supposed to be cloudy?

Guinea pig urine is normally thick, cloudy and white in color due to the presence of calcium carbonate and ammonium phosphate crystals.

Should I get male or female guinea pigs?

As long as it is healthy, happy and friendly, you won’t go wrong choosing either a boy or a girl guinea pig. But, if you are thinking about getting a pair, or adding a new piggie to your existing herd, choosing a boar or a sow is a significant decision. Remember, though, cavies are social animals.

Do and don’ts with guinea pigs?

Never give your cavy chocolate, caffeine, junk food, or anything that is high in fat and sugar. Other dangerous foods include garlic, chives, onions, avocados, and the leaves of tomato and potato plants. You’ll also want to avoid giving your pet anything you haven’t researched, or plants that you can’t identify.

Why does my guinea pig vibrate?

Guinea pigs vibrate as a form of communication to show both positive and negative emotions. Your guinea pig could feel uneasy or annoyed, or their environment may be too cold. Since few animals vibrate for communication, you may be surprised when your guinea pig seems to tremble. …

What does a guinea pig CHUT sound like?

Chutting: this sounds a bit like a frog’s croak, but softer. It generally means that your Guinea Pig is happy going about her daily routine. Rumbling: also known as rumble strutting and motor-boarding this is a rumbling noise and a mating sound.

Will a guinea pig be OK on its own?

If your guinea pig has to be kept alone you must provide companionship by interacting with them daily. Guinea pigs can develop abnormal behaviour and may suffer if left without company and nothing to do for long periods. Places to escape from companions if they want to.

How soon can I hold my guinea pig?

They will be feeling a bit tender and very protective of their babies after the birth, so it’s best to leave them alone for a month afterwards too. Baby guinea pigs should not be held at all for at least one week after birth, and must always be handled very gently.

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