What do you predict would happen if you placed a population that had mostly brightly colored guppies into a stream with a lot of predators?

What do you predict would happen if you placed a population that had mostly brightly colored guppies into a stream with a lot of predators?

Questions and Predict: The population of bright guppies would increase due to there being no large predators. Since there are no predators there is more mating and reproduction, bright coloured guppies would have the high population.

What was the conclusion of John Endler’s experiment?

He found that the mean number of spots per male had increased to 11.8 (Figure 3 ). Figure 3 Results of Endler’s experiment with artificial populations of guppies.

What happened when Dr John Endler transferred predatory fish to the regions with more colorful male guppies?

When Dr. Endler transferred predatory fish to the regions with brightly colored male guppies, selection acted rapidly to produce a population of duller males. This demonstrates that persistent variation within a population provides the raw material for rapid evolution when environmental conditions change.

Which of the following best describes the change in coloration observed in male guppies?

Question: Q8. Which of the following best describes the change in coloration observed in male guppies? A mutation in the male guppies occurred when predators were present. The male guppies change their coloration when they see a predator.

What determines which trait will be passed on to the next generation in the greatest frequency?

The theory of natural selection states that: the best-adapted individuals survive and reproduce, contributing the most genes to the next generation.

What hypothesis was Endler testing with this experiment?

(1 points) What hypothesis was Endler testing with this experiment? What did he expect to find if his hypothesis was supported? Endler hypothesized that predators were responsible for the color variation among guppy populations. He observed that guppies that were more highly predated had less colors and spots.

Was Endlers hypothesis correct?

Endler’s hypothesis was that predators are responsible for much of this variation among populations. He had noticed that guppies sharing their stream with predatory cichlids had fewer spots than guppies living with Rivulus. Cichlids are ravenous predators of guppies. Rivulus eat only juveniles.

Which of the following is not an example of natural selection?

However, a person breeding a dog to be less aggressive is not an example of natural selection, given the fact that specific breeding is an artificial method, not relying on the natural changes to adapt to the environment.

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