What is Ekphrastic writing?

What is Ekphrastic writing?

Ekphrastic poetry has come to be defined as poems written about works of art; however, in ancient. Greece, the term ekphrasis was applied to the skill of describing a thing with vivid detail.

What is a Ekphrastic description?

“Description” in Greek. An ekphrastic poem is a vivid description of a scene or, more commonly, a work of art. Through the imaginative act of narrating and reflecting on the “action” of a painting or sculpture, the poet may amplify and expand its meaning.

What is the other name for Horace’s Ars Poetica?

Ars poetica, (Latin: “Art of Poetry”) work by Horace, written about 19–18 bce for Piso and his sons and originally known as Epistula ad Pisones (Epistle to the Pisos).

What is Aristotle’s catharsis?

Catharsis, the purification or purgation of the emotions (especially pity and fear) primarily through art. Aristotle states that the purpose of tragedy is to arouse “terror and pity” and thereby effect the catharsis of these emotions.

Why is catharsis not healthy?

The Effects of Catharsis on Psychological Health Studies have examined the psychological health of people who react cathartically very often. Despite what Freud believed, catharsis triggers more thoughts and emotions of the same nature. This can lead to chronic anger problems, which is not at all healthy.

What is a fallen hero in literature?

a great or virtuous character in a dramatic tragedy who is destined for downfall, suffering, or defeat: Oedipus, the classic tragic hero.

What is Achilles tragic flaw?

Achilles: the legendary hero of Greek mythology was an almost invulnerable warrior with one widely known fatal flaw: the heel that his mother held him by when she dipped him into the river Styx to make him strong. The heel ended up being his undoing. Today an “Achilles’ heel” refers to anyone’s fatal flaw or hamartia.

Is Hector a tragic hero?

Hector is portrayed as a very humane hero, he is affectionate to his wife and child, he defends his brother, fights in the war to defend Troy and only kills out of necessity of war without revelling in death. Therefore, Hector is a tragic hero by modern standards.

Why is Hector a hero?

Hector is the mightiest warrior in the Trojan army. Although he meets his match in Achilles, he wreaks havoc on the Achaean army during Achilles’ period of absence. He leads the assault that finally penetrates the Achaean ramparts, he is the first and only Trojan to set fire to an Achaean ship, and he kills Patroclus.

What is Hector fighting for?

Hector wants to battle Achilles to avenge his country and defend it against future Greek attacks. In An Iliad, he considers reasoning with Achilles, but his pride overcomes him.

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