What happens after Polonius dies?

What happens after Polonius dies?

v. 86-87). As said previously, Polonius’ death also leads to the demise of Hamlet because Laertes wants to avenge his father’s killer. He starts a rebellion against Hamlet with Claudius and publicly challenges Hamlet in a fencing fight.

What political scenario is developing in the region in Act Four of Hamlet?

There are several changes in the political situation in Act IV. The first change begins with the death of Polonius. This action forces the return of Laertes to Denmark. Laertes is furious over the death of his father and the way the funeral was handled.

What role does the political situation play in Hamlet?

One part of the role played by the political situation is to add to the danger and suspense. During the time of the play, Denmark is not without enemy’s. Fortinbras, the Prince of Norway, smolders against Denmark because Hamlet ‘s father, the King of Denmark, killed his father, the King of Norway.

How does Hamlet feel after killing Polonius?

Hamlet does not seem to feel guilty about killing Polonius. In fact, when Claudius inquires as to Polonius’s whereabouts, Hamlet engages in some rather off-color humor, indicating that he feels no remorse about his actions.

Why is the killing of Polonius a turning point for Hamlet?

How is Polonius’ death a turning point in the play? It causes Laertes to become angry and seek revenge against Claudius, which eventually makes him seek revenge against Hamlet. It also causes Ophelia to go crazy and eventually die (on bad terms with the king and queen too).

Why does Hamlet seem so callous about having murdered Polonius?

Hamlet seems mad because he “compounded” Polonius’s body. He claims the body is with the king, but the king is not with the body. Hamlet seems callous as he discusses Polonius’ death and what will happen to his body (20-24).

Why do Claudius and Gertrude think Hamlet is depressed?

2, Gertrude says the cause of Hamlet’s depression is, “His father’s death and our hasty marriage,” realizing how Hamlet feels about her marriage to Claudius. 4, and the ghost challenges Hamlet to seek vengeance against Claudius since he killed King Hamlet, Hamlet has a new source for his depression.

Why is Ophelia depressed?

Ophelia goes mad because her father, Polonius, whom she deeply loved, has been killed by Hamlet. The fact that this grief drives Ophelia to madness reveals her overwhelming feelings of hopelessness and powerlessness, and the power that the men in Ophelia’s life wield over her.

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