Why is a strict watch being maintained outside Elsinore Castle?

Why is a strict watch being maintained outside Elsinore Castle?

The guards are working to protect the royals of Denmark from the feared attack as Fortinbras launches a scheme to win back the lands that were lost by his father.

What is the reason for the watch at the castle of Elsinore?

They want him on their shift so that if the ghost appears he can see what they see and speak to it since he had seen the king when he was alive . Why do the soldiers keep a nightly watch at the castle? The late king was a great rival of Fortinbras, king of Norway.

Why is there a nightly watch being kept at Elsinore?

Why is there a need for a nightly watch on the palace? There is a fear that young Fortinbras will attack Denmark to revenge his father’s death and to take back the land. A request that “old Norway” (Fortinbras’ uncle) reign in the young Fortinbras and keep him from attacking Denmark.

Why are the guards on watch in Hamlet?

They want to tell young Hamlet that they have seen the ghost of his father. They think the ghost will speak to his son. Who do the soldiers/guards want to tell about the ghost? He is the brother of King Hamlet.

What are the guards outside of Elsinore afraid of?

Still grieving the old king, no one knows yet what to expect from the new one, and the guards outside the castle are fearful and suspicious. The supernatural appearance of the ghost on a chilling, misty night outside Elsinore Castle indicates immediately that something is wrong in Denmark.

What are the guards worried about Hamlet?

They are afraid that Hamlet is just going to use her for sex because he is older than her.

What happens while the guards are on their watch?

What happens while the guards are on their watch? They see a ghost that looks like their old King, Hamlet, Sr. They think that he will want to know and they also think that the ghost might speak to him.

Why does Hamlet compare his father to Hyperion and Claudius to a satyr?

Hamlet’s reference to his dead father as Hyperion and to his uncle Claudius as a satyr illustrates Hamlet’s contempt for Claudius. His father is godlike while his uncle is bestial.

Where is the ghost compelled to go during the day?

Where? The ghost says he spends his days in purgatory. Why is the ghost in this place during the day? He must stay there until his sins have been purged away.

Why is Horatio with the guards?

Why is Horatio among the guards on the opening scene? He supposed to stand guard with Bernardo. Discuss Horatio’s position on omens. Ghost is Horatio’s omen dressed in full armor warning about the war.

What do we learn from the ghost in Act I scene?

Michael Stultz, M.A. In Hamlet Act I, Hamlet learns the following from the Ghost: There is an afterlife. He’s not sure if the Ghost is a demon or a soul trapped in Purgatory, but he’s definitely from some supernatural world.

Why does Fortinbras not attack Denmark as he had planned?

If Fortinbras wants to avenge his father’s death, why doesn’t he just go to attack Denmark? Young Fortinbras attacks Poland to regain some of his father’s honor because his uncle, the current king of Norway, has forbidden him to attack Denmark, as he had planned to do.

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