What are the black dots on my hamster?
The hamster’s sebaceous glands are known more commonly as the hip spots, or scent glands. These glands are located on the hips / flanks of the Syrian hamster. They can be seen as dark spots on the hips and are a normal part of the Syrian hamsters’ anatomy.
Can I put antibiotic ointment on my hamster?
Treat Hamsters You can treat a hamster’s skin sores by using betadine (topical antiseptics), hydrogen peroxide and an antibiotic ointment . a salt water solution can also be used to clean the wounds.
Do hamsters go bald with age?
It is fairly common for older hamsters to begin to lose fur as they age. The average lifespan of a hamster is between 2 and 3 years. If your older hamster is going bald and your veterinarian cannot find another cause of the baldness, then it’s possible the hair loss is normal.
Why does my hamster have a black spot on his back?
Q: My two-year-old male hamster has developed two large black spots on his rump which look like cancerous growths. The spots you describe are very likely to be the scent glands that both male and female hamsters possess. Hamsters use these glands to rub against objects in order to mark out their territory.
Can I put coconut oil on my hamster?
Hamsters can eat coconut oil. Like raw or dried coconut, coconut oil can be given as a treat and offers just as many health benefits. In addition to eating it, coconut oil can be helpful to your hamster’s skin. Coconut oil can be used on minor scrapes and skin infections or as a moisturizer for their skin and fur.
What is the longest living hamster in the world?
The longest lived hamster breed is the Roborovski Dwarf (up to 4 years), while the shortest is the Chinese Dwarf ( a little under 2 years). Of course, there are hamsters who can outlive the average, like cases of Syrian hammies living for 5-6 years in captivity.
Can hamsters live longer than 2 years?
On average, hamsters live between two and two and half years. Some breeds may live shorter or longer than this. There is no surefire way to prolong a hamster’s lifespan. However, you can take certain measures to make sure you’re giving your hamster as high quality a life possible.