How do you know if you have a hairline fracture in your toe?

How do you know if you have a hairline fracture in your toe?

Prolonged repetitive movements can cause a type of broken toe called a stress or hairline fracture. Symptoms of a broken toe include pain, swelling, stiffness, bruising, deformity, and difficultly walking.

How is a hairline fracture in the toe treated?

Treatment of Toe Fractures

  1. Rest. Sometimes rest is all that is needed to treat a traumatic fracture of the toe.
  2. Splinting.
  3. Rigid or stiff-soled shoe.
  4. Buddy taping the fractured toe to another toe is sometimes appropriate, but in other cases, it may be harmful.
  5. Surgery.

Does a hairline fracture hurt to touch?

Depending on the bone affected, it tends to hurt in very specific, pinpoint areas, and it will hurt when you touch the exact area where the bone is broken. If you have recently changed or increased your activity and have pain in a specific area of the foot or ankle, you may have a stress fracture.

How long does a toe hairline fracture take to heal?

Your doctor may recommend that you use crutches to keep weight off an injured foot or leg. You can also wear protective footwear or a cast. Because it usually takes up to six to eight weeks to completely heal from a hairline fracture, it’s important to modify your activities during that time.

What happens if a hairline fracture is untreated?

Ignoring a hairline fracture can lead to a more serious fracture or break occurring, which is more difficult to treat. If not treated or ignored, the hairline may not heal, resulting in a non-union fracture.

What does a fractured toe look like?

Broken Toe Symptoms Bruising of the skin around the toe may also be noticeable. The toe may not look normal, and it may even look bent or deformed if the broken bone is out of place. It may be difficult to walk because of the pain, especially if the big toe is fractured. Shoes may be painful to wear or feel too tight.

Can a broken toe heal on its own?

Most broken toes will heal on their own with proper care at home. It can take 4 to 6 weeks for complete healing.

Should I go to urgent care for a broken toe?

If you have a severe injury, you should seek medical help. Injuries that involve the big toe may need a cast or splint to heal. In rare cases, tiny pieces of bone can break off and keep the bone from healing properly. In this case, you may need surgery.

Should I go to hospital for a broken toe?

A broken toe can be painful, but you do not usually need to go to hospital.

Do doctors do anything for a broken toe?

Usually, you can treat a broken toe by taping it to a neighboring toe. But if the fracture is severe — particularly if it involves your big toe — you may need a cast or even surgery to ensure proper healing.

How can I get my broken toe to heal faster?

Use ice to reduce pain, inflammation and swelling as soon as possible after sustaining a toe injury. This will help to speed up the healing process. Keep off your affected foot as much as possible and avoid putting pressure on it. Elevating the affected foot is also helpful to reduce swelling.

What will the hospital do for a broken big toe?

a procedure to drain blood from underneath the nail of the affected toe, or remove the nail completely if there’s a lot of blood trapped under it. a cast or a special wooden-soled shoe or boot to support your big toe if it’s broken. crutches so you can walk without putting weight on the toe.

Do you need crutches for a broken toe?

Your broken toe may need to be buddy-taped for 2 to 4 weeks to heal. Rest and protect your toe. Do not walk on it until you can do so without too much pain. If the doctor has told you to use crutches, use them as instructed.

Is it OK to exercise with a broken toe?

Please do not try to run on a broken toe – at least until it has been properly evaluated and has been treated to a point where you are cleared for such activities. Trying to run or exercise with a broken toe – even if it’s just the smallest toe – will add stress to the injury.

How do I know if my big toe is broken or sprained?

The critical difference between a broken and sprained toe is in the mobility of the toe. A broken toe will have little to no movement while a sprained toe will still have some mobility, although it may be painful. If you’re unable to move your toe, it may be broken.

Should I go to the doctor for a broken toe?

When to Call a Doctor Even though you can often treat it yourself, a broken toe can sometimes lead to more serious problems, like infection, arthritis, or long-term foot pain. Call your doctor if you have one these more serious breaks, which do need treatment: Big toe injury.

What is a toe fracture?

A toe fracture is a break in a toe bone. The bones in the toes are called phalanges.

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