How do you change the oil on a wide glide on a Dyna?

How do you change the oil on a wide glide on a Dyna?

Be sure to use a new O-ring and torque the drain plug to 14 to 21 ft/lbs….Filling engine with oil.

  1. Re-install the filler cap/dipstick and start the motorcycle.
  2. Inspect for any oils leaks.
  3. After the engine has run a few minutes, shut the bike off and check the oil level. Top up as necessary.

Where is the oil filter on a Harley Davidson?


How tight should a Harley oil filter be?

Before you put the new oil filter on, put a clean film of oil on the oil filter gasket and tighten it by hand. About 1/2 a turn after the gasket makes contact with the filter housing,you will not be able to tighten anymore at which time your done. No tool needed.

Can you over tighten an oil filter?

Yes, it is possible to overtighten an oil filter. If you put a wrench on it and go much past a half turn past hand tight, you stand a real chance of messing up the sealing gasket, if you are lucky.

Are you supposed to fill the oil filter?

An age-old question is whether or not you should pre-fill your new oil filter before installing it in your vehicle. The answer? Pre-filling the filter makes the process easier if you have a large, heavy-duty truck, but if you’re just changing the oil in a smaller car, it’s not necessary.

Can you add oil without changing filter?

Just pouring in new oil would be adding, not changing. To change you first need to drain the old oil out, and it is best to remove the old oil filter and install a new one at that time, then pour in the new oil.

How much does it cost to tighten an oil filter?

When installing the oil filter, you should slowly screw it in with your hand. Make sure the filter turns in cleanly to avoid damaging the filter. When the filter has been completely screwed in, give it one quarter turn. This allows the filter to fit securely without being too tight.

Do you take off the oil filter first?

Removing the filter always causes oil spillage as the oil queued up for the filter will drain out when it is removed. Plus there’s whats in the filter itself. Put a pan under the filter and you’ll catch the run off. In short, it doesn’t matter if you drain the oil first or replace the filter first.

Can I use the same oil filter twice?

Yes, it’s perfectly safe to use either type of filter with either type of oil. However, if you practice extended drain intervals using synthetic oil, a conventional oil filter may not offer the required service life, meaning you’ll have to change it in the middle of the oil drain interval, which is inconvenient.

Do I need to change oil filter every time I change oil?

Car manufacturers often suggest changing oil filters every other time you have your oil changed. Most parts and oil manufacturers, however, say to replace oil filters with every oil change, which should occur every 3,000 miles or three months (whichever comes first).

How long will an oil filter last?

Every vehicle is different, but many manufacturers recommend intervals of 7,500 miles or more. Your vehicle’s owner’s manual will give recommendations on how often to change your oil and filter. Your driving habits can also have an impact on how often you perform an oil change.

Can you change oil too often?

But experts say that too frequent oil changes won’t make your car last longer or run better. Plus, you’re throwing away your time and money and a natural resource. Changing your oil too frequently, and the dumping of waste motor oil, are also bad for the environment.

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