How does a Harley-Davidson charge its battery?
The charging system consists of three main components: the battery, alternator, and the regulator/rectifier. Your motorcycle battery stores electrical energy for use and acts as a buffer for the bike’s electrical system. The alternator creates alternating currents to run the bike and charge the battery.
Where is the alternator on a Harley-Davidson?
The charging system on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle consists of the battery, the voltage regulator and the alternator. The alternator, in turn, is made up of the rotor and the stator. Located within the primary chaincase on the left side of the engine, the alternator is difficult to visually inspect.
Is a stator the same as an alternator?
Stators are inside the engine case. An automotive style alternator is a fully self-contained, externally mounted unit that creates DC current. Another difference between stators and automotive style alternators is the type of magnet uses. Stators use a permanent magnet, and automotive alternators use an electro-magnet.
What causes a stator to burn out?
A bad diode in a rectifier will dump AC current into a system. The AC current heats up the stator and the heat destroys the insulation and ultimately carbonizes it turning it into a low resistance brick.
How do I know if my motorcycle alternator is bad?
Another way to check if the alternator is working properly is to simply touch the + and – pins of the tester to the + and – terminals of the battery while the bike is running. Multimeter should be set to DC voltage with the decimal point positioned as so: 00.0.
Will I die if I get a motorcycle?
The honest answer is that if you ride a motorcycle, OF COURSE YOU’LL DIE! It just that the probability is that it WON’T be from riding a motorcycle. You’ve read what the others have written. Yeah, it’s more dangerous and so you have a higher probability of injury or death.
What is the average lifespan of a motorcycle battery?
Battery manufacturers agree that on average, a motorcycle battery should last 48 months, yet most of us are lucky to get half of that, and in most cases the battery’s premature death can be chalked up to a lack of maintenance.