How does Harper Lee create suspense chapter 10?

How does Harper Lee create suspense chapter 10?

As the rabid dog continues down the empty street, the author creates a sense of suspense and surprise: Harper Lee uses the element of surprise in Chapter 10. Jem and Scout have no idea what a sharp shooter their father is.

What does the Mad Dog represent in Chapter 10?

The mad dog in chapter 10 of To Kill a Mockingbird symbolizes racism, which is also dangerous and infectious. Similar to rabies, racism is described as a disease, called “Maycomb’s usual disease” and an “invisible force” that has a profound influence on society.

What did we learn about Atticus in Chapter 10?

THINGS JEM & SCOUT LEARN IN CHAPTER 10 They learn that Atticus is the best checker player in town, even though he often lets Jem and Scout beat them when they play. They learn Atticus can play the Jew’s Harp. They learn he is a crack marksman. They learn that his old nickname was “One-Shot” Finch when he was a child.

How does Scout feel about her father at the beginning of Chapter 10?

Scout and Jem begin this chapter feeling embarrassed by what they believe their father to be: talentless. They end the chapter bursting with pride about Atticus’ outstanding marksmanship. Not only does Atticus save them from a mad dog, but he also impresses them with his humility.

What lesson does Scout learn in Chapter 11?

In Chapter 11 of To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout learned what true courage looks like. After Mrs. Dubose insulted Atticus to the children, Jem “simply went mad” and beat the tops off of her camellia bushes with the baton he had just bought Scout with his twelfth birthday money, and then snapped the baton.

How does Jems attitude change towards Atticus At the end of Chapter 10?

At the end of the chapter, Jem admits he wants to be like his father when he shouts, “Atticus is a gentleman, just like me!”

What is the gist of Chapter 10 in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Summary: Chapter 10 Atticus, Scout says, is somewhat older than most of the other fathers in Maycomb. Heck brings a rifle and asks Atticus to shoot the animal. To Jem and Scout’s amazement, Atticus does so, hitting the dog with his first shot despite his considerable distance from the dog.

Who is the bravest person Atticus knows?

Atticus thought of Mrs. Dubose as the bravest person because although she was in pain and dying, Mrs. Dubose was determined to break her habit. She faced death with strength and determination.

How old is Atticus Finch which eye is Atticus nearly blind in?

In the novel, Atticus is described as tall (he is a foot taller than his brother, Jack) and wearing glasses, being nearly blind in his left eye. In Chapter 10, Scout calls him “feeble” and “nearly fifty”; he is older than most of Scout’s classmates’ fathers, and Atticus was 15 years older than his late wife.

What does Atticus think of himself?

Atticus Finch defines himself as a gentleman by means of his speech and actions throughout the narrative of To Kill a Mockingbird. Atticus is always polite.

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