What does Brian do to improve his shelter?

What does Brian do to improve his shelter?

He rebuilds his shelter by weaving branches and logs together. He also creates a safe place to keep his food and finds a way to trap fish so that he can keep them alive and available at all times.

How does Brian improve his food situation?

He converts a hollow in the rock above his shelter into a food pantry by constructing a door to cover it. He also creates a little wall in the pond in which he can trap fish to more efficiently catch them as needed.

How did Brian learned a lesson to protect his food and improve his shelter?

Brian learned two lessons from this incident: make a sturdy shelter and put food in a protected place. Spending days strengthening his shelter with additional wood, and finding a high tree for a food shelf that bears would be unable to reach, Brian still faces the problem of a lack of food.

How does Brian clean his shelter?

In chapter 11, Brian cleaned his shelter by smoothing out the sand and hanging up his windbreaker. He might have used his hands or sticks to level the disturbed sand.

Why does Brian want to dig up sand?

Trying to figure out what kind of animal it was, and what it had been doing, Brian digs down into the sand pile and finds a cache of eggs. It must have been a turtle, he decides, coming up onto the land to lay its eggs.

Why does Brian clean his campsite?

Expert Answers After surviving so much and enduring the severe environment, Brian refuses to give up hope, which is why he feels that it is necessary to clean up his camp area after the tornado. Overall, it is a gesture that proves Brian will not be defeated and will continue to survive in the wilderness.

Why did Brian Touch the pilot?

He decides that if he tries to land near trees it would tear the plane apart. He reasons that the best option is to try to land it on the shore of a lake. He touches the pilot’s face and it’s cold. He knows he has to land the plan soon.

How does Brian know what is happening to the pilot?

He notices the smell of body gas in the plane and assumes the pilot had a stomachache. Seeing the whites of his eyes, Brian tries to comprehend the pilot’s likely death, and to determine what action he must take, alone in a plane thousands of feet in the air.

Why did Brian throw the headset to the floor?

He releases the switch, grabs the wheel, and finally levels off once again. He puts on the headset and microphone switch and calls out for help, but no one answers. In his frustration, he pounds and screams on the wheel, causing it to jerk up and down. He throws the headset to the floor and thinks that all is hopeless.

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