What does the Pardoner admit to?

What does the Pardoner admit to?

In his prologue, the Pardoner confesses that he is a fraud motivated by greed and avarice and that he is guilty of all seven sins. Even though he is essentially a hypocrite in his profession, he is at least being honest as he makes his confession.

What are the relics in the Pardoner’s Tale?

Like the other pilgrims, the Pardoner carries with him to Canterbury the tools of his trade—in his case, freshly signed papal indulgences and a sack of false relics, including a brass cross filled with stones to make it seem as heavy as gold and a glass jar full of pig’s bones, which he passes off as saints’ relics.

What does the Pardoner tell his followers the relics do?

According to the Pardoner, the lesson of his tale is that avarice, or greed, is a sin that can easily lead to violence and destruction. After his tale, the Pardoner forgets himself and gets out his “relics” for the crowd — having forgotten that he had told them the relics he carried were fake anyway.

Why do the three Flemish youngsters kill each other?

Because the old man’s advice leads the youth to the trap that ends up killing them, one could easily argue that old man was death himself. The old man sends the boys to a tree with eight bushels of gold under it – more than they could have carried away. The three rioters each plan murder.

Why does the youngest rioter buy poison?

13. Why does the youngest rioter buy poison? Because he is gonna kill the other two rioters so he can have the money all to himself.

What is ironic about the Pardoner?

First, the ambiguous figure of the Pardoner as narrator of a moral tale is ironic because his own character is extremely immoral. 692), which distinguishes him from other pardoners. The Pardoner’s craft gets authorization from the Pope, permitting him to sell people indulgences, which are supposed to correct sins.

Why is it ironic that the rioters vow to kill death?

He has no shame and knows that no one will do anything and that they will want him to pardon them for their sins. Why is it ironic that the rioters vow as brothers to kill death? They are planning to kill the supernatural force that will be their Actual doom. This irony is situational.

How is the vow thy make ironic?

They swore to live and die for one another and to find death and kill him. How is the vow thy make ironic? The irony is that death can’t be killed, because it is death.

Who or what is the old man in the tale?

The old man can be “death” itself or a representation of death as he sends the three young men, who are looking for death, to an Oak tree where they find treasure and, ultimately, die. In other words, he sends them to a place where they find death or death finds them. One of the “rioters” calls him the death’s spy.

What vow do the rioters make?

After recalling all of the deaths Death has caused throughout the countryside, the Rioters swear a pact of brotherhood and make a plan to seek out and kill Death. On the way to find Death, they meet with an Old Man and treat him rudely, asking why he is so old.

Can Naruto destroy a planet?

Yes naruto CAN destroy a planet. And no he can’t one shot planets like goku can. No, he just doesn’t have that much fire power to do something like that as far as we know. Even though Toneri slice the moon in half he still needed it to crash into Earth to destroy it.

Is Ichigo stronger than Naruto?

Naruto Uzumaki is stronger than Ichigo Kurosaki, mainly due to the fact that he is a better fighter and has a more diverse set of skills and attacks at his disposition than Ichigo does.

Can Goku destroy a planet?

So yes. Goku can do it without effort. Everyone in Dragonball series is restraining themselves to avoid the destruction of their surroundings or even the planet they are standing on. He can destroy any planet only by raising his power level, he did not even need to punch at planet.

Can Naruto destroy a dimension?

no one in Naruto can destroy the planet, possibly dimension or a moon. The only enrmy we’re given a definitive answer to that question with is Kaguya.

Who is stronger Naruto or Goku?

Goku has proven himself to be an incredibly great fighter and he would definitely put up a difficult fight. Both characters hate to lose and would probably become fast friends if they were not forced to fight. However, Naruto has proven himself to be the better overall fighter.

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