What does a hedgehog need in its cage?
What do hedgehogs need in their cage? Hedgehogs need heating like a heat mat or heat lamp, suitable bedding, housing, a running wheel for exercise, a feeding bowl, a water bowl or dispenser, a toy like a ball with bells, with an optional litter tray for them to use. Some owners include fabric tunnels for crawling.
What is the best place for a hedgehog house?
Where to put your hedgehog home. Hibernating hedgehogs like peace and quiet. Put the house where it won’t be disturbed, against a wall, bank or fence if possible and under or near plant cover. The north wind doth blow, so face the entrance away from north or north-east and you’re more likely to encourage a guest.
Can hedgehogs be kept in glass tanks?
Also consider that many people who use aquariums will find that hedgehogs will frequently experience cage rubbing where they rub their face on the glass wall and cause bleeding; you can prevent this by covering about 6 inches of the bottom of the glass with something solid, such as cardboard, poster, or thick paper, so …
How can I keep my hedgehog warm without a heat lamp?
Our recommended heating pad is the [K&H Small Animal Heating Pad. The easiest way to guarantee your hedgehog has a warm place to stay is by placing a heating pad underneath or in its cage.
Should Hedgehogs have a heat lamp?
No, they don’t need heat lamps, but they do need an adequate temperature regulation. The temperature in the cage must be kept in the range of 73-78° F. That’s why you are able to use heating pads or space heaters to keep the cage’s atmosphere acceptable for your hedgehog.
Do hedgehogs need bedding?
Does my pet hedgehog need bedding material in his cage? Shredded paper, newspaper or recycled pelleted/absorbable material or wood shavings (such as aspen or pine) make fine bedding. Avoid corncobs, dusty shavings or cedar shavings, as they can be irritating.